Re: [PATCH upate] iso transmit cycle skip patch
From: Stefan Richter
Date: Wed Apr 02 2008 - 06:36:03 EST
Pieter Palmers wrote:
> I have to admit that I didn't write the patch with the idea of mainline
> inclusion in mind, but merely as a proof of concept. Therefore I'd like
> to check it again to ensure that it is ok for worldwide distribution ;).
Don't be shy. :-) It's a safe bet that nobody else is going to work on
this transmit FIFO underflow issue.
> However I'm swamped with work at the moment and can't do this before 2nd
> half of next week.
Take your time. We could also submit it in an early 2.6.26-rc stage or,
if that doesn't work out, after 2.6.26.
Stefan Richter
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