Clock has stopped (time/date looping over 5 seconds), things arebroken - what to check to debug?
From: Roger Heflin
Date: Fri Apr 04 2008 - 17:27:48 EST
So far what I have is that the clock is moving between
10:01:03 to 10:01:07 (when it gets to 07 it goes back to 03), doing rdate -s
results in things changing:
16:12:38 to 16:12:43 (resets back to :38).
Doing this:
while true ; do date; usleep 1000000; done
Fri Apr 4 16:12:39 CDT 2008
Fri Apr 4 16:12:40 CDT 2008
Fri Apr 4 16:12:41 CDT 2008
Fri Apr 4 16:12:42 CDT 2008
Fri Apr 4 16:12:43 CDT 2008
It stops at :43, ^C is required, and you can then restart it with repeatable
This F7 -
dmesg/messages contain nothing abnormal.
This machine has done it several times, a freqency of maybe 1x per every couple
of weeks or so. I believe it had also done this with: so it
has been doing this for a while. It used to work with some older kernel (I
don't know which).
Given what the clock is doing, things that sleep at the wrong time hang forever,
and a number of other things fail to work.
vmstat 1 results in a single line being printed out, and then a floating point
"shutdown -r now" fails to complete, power cycle is required to get the machine
back up.
I don't believe any hardware failure that I can think of would cause the clock
to do what mine is doing.
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