kernel thread does not wakeup
From: Veda N
Date: Tue Apr 08 2008 - 12:15:31 EST
I am having a driver during initialisation i create a thread using
As soon as the initialisation function is complete. I start getting
The kernel thread waits on a struct completion using
le function.
Whenever an interrupt arrives i call the function complete to
wakeup the thread.
For somereason the kernel thread does not awake.
I have put some debug prints to see if the address struct
completion is the same.
It gives the address to be same.
I dont know why the kernel thread does not wakeup.
Is there any restriction of using kernel threads during the linux
kernel bootup?.
What i am trying to say is can i make a thread go sleep during linux
kernel bootup
and wake it up during kernel bootup upon occurance of an interrupt.
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