wait interruptible does not work

From: Veda N
Date: Wed Apr 09 2008 - 13:34:16 EST

I am having a kernel thread that waits on a completion object.

I am also having an ISR that wakes up the thread when ever an interrupt occurs.
The thread calls wait_completion_interruptible and waits for "completion" event.

What is happening is Even though i get the interrupt - The ISR calls 'complete'

The Thread does not wakeup.

I dont know why?.

I notice that i replaced wait_completion_interruptible with

What happens is i keep getting the messages. As soon as the ISR
triggers the completion event. The threads stops/gets killed.

I dont know whats happening.

Could anyone help me on this.

Appending my code


#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <asm/arch/gpio.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>

MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Wait Interruptible Demo Driver");

static int r_init(void);
static void r_cleanup(void);


static int information = 0x100;
static int id = 99;
static struct completion touch_completion;
static struct completion thread_comp;
struct task_struct *kthread;

int printmsgd(void *param);

static irqreturn_t attn_isr( int irq, void *info)
printk ("Got an Interrupt\n");


static int r_init(void)
int retval;
if(omap_request_gpio( 140 ) < 0)
printk("Error: failed to request gpio\n");

printk ("interrupt mode...\n");
omap_set_gpio_direction( 140, 1);

if(( retval = request_irq(OMAP_GPIO_IRQ(140), attn_isr,
IRQF_TRIGGER_LOW, "test-irq", &information )))
printk ("Error: Unable to do request irq\n");
return -1;

kthread = kthread_run(&printmsgd, &id, "printmsgd");

printk ("kthread run:%x\n", kthread);

return 0;

static void r_cleanup(void)
complete(&touch_completion); /* Kick the thread awake */
if (kthread) wait_for_completion(&thread_comp);
return ;

int printmsgd(void *param)
int ret;

// daemonize("printmsgd");

while (!kthread_should_stop()) {
ret = wait_for_completion_interruptible(&touch_completion);
printk ("printmsgd says hi:%d\n", ret);
complete_and_exit(&thread_comp, 0);
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