Re: 2.6.25-rc8: FTP transfer errors

From: Mark Lord
Date: Wed Apr 09 2008 - 20:02:26 EST

David Miller wrote:
From: Mark Lord <lkml@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 15:05:47 -0400

But it would be far more useful for whoever has been working on the
stack to suggest some possible/likely commits to look at instead.

Personally all I see is that one side closes the socket before all
data packets received have been read into the application, resulting
in a (correct) reset going out.

I can't think of any change we've made over the course of this
release that would change behvaior in that area.

So you will likely need to bisect.

Or I can ignore it, like the net developers, since I have a workaround.
And then we'll see what other apps are broken upon 2.6.25 final release.

Really, folks. Bug reports are intended to *help* the developers,
not something to be thrown back in their faces.

There do seem to have been a *lot* of changes around the tcp closing/close
code (as I see from diff'ing 2.6.24 against latest -git).

*Somebody* is responsible for those changes.
That particular *somebody* ought to volunteer some help here,
reducing the mountain of commits to a big handful or two.

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