Re: Starting point: Suspend to RAM on embedded devices?
From: Wander Winkelhorst
Date: Thu Apr 10 2008 - 06:51:38 EST
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:53 AM, Wappler Marcel
<Marcel.Wappler@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Wander Winkelhorst wrote:
> > The TomTom portable navigation devices (TomTom one, TomTom go etc.)
> > They are based around an ARM CPU from Samsung and run Linux. If you
> > press the "power button" it actually does a suspend-to-ram.
> Do you have (or anybody else) experience, how long the wakeup from suspend to RAM does take? Would it be possible to have the fully
> functional device with running aplication one second after pushing the power button?
Well, my tomtom one V2 takes a couple (5-10) of seconds to wake up
again. but that time includes reinitialising the bluetooth chip,
checking the SD card, restarting the GPS, loading AGPS data and
resuming the navigation software. If you don't have to do all those
things it would probably resume a lot faster.
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