Re: Starting point: Suspend to RAM on embedded devices?

From: Wander Winkelhorst
Date: Thu Apr 10 2008 - 09:19:19 EST

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Wappler Marcel
<Marcel.Wappler@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Wander Winkelhorst wrote:
> > Well, my tomtom one V2 takes a couple (5-10) of seconds to wake up
> > again. but that time includes reinitialising the bluetooth chip,
> > checking the SD card, restarting the GPS, loading AGPS data and
> > resuming the navigation software. If you don't have to do all those
> > things it would probably resume a lot faster.
> So Wander,
> I had a short look in to the project and have got a lot of new questions:

I can't anwser all of these questions, I'm not a part of the opentom
project. If you want to ask more questions to the people who are,
plase ask on the opentom mailing list.

> - does the kernel support the original "suspend to RAM" functionality of TomToms kernel?
I don't know, but IMHO it doesn't matter, because you can just use the
TomTom kernel.

> - is there anybody using this functionality?
The Opentom project is a bit... quiet...

> - has somebody measured the power consuption in the sleep mode?
With the TomTom provided kernels, the power consumption is next to
nothing. These devices are powered by a small battery, yet can stay
suspended for weeks.

> - the opentom kernel has a file "/arch/arm/kernel/apm.c" which is not in the normal Linux kernels. Where comes this file and other
> power saving infrastructure from, where can I grab it, is there anyone else out there using it, on which device?
I don't know, sorry.

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