Re: Disk geometry from /sys

From: Francis Moreau
Date: Thu Apr 10 2008 - 15:06:04 EST


On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 11:57 PM, Mark Lord <lkml@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > I'm trying to know the geometry of my hard disk from a bash script
> > and that's the reason I'm looking in /sys. The reason is that I'd like
> > to figure out the size of a cylinder without doing a
> > ioctl(bdev, HDIO_GETGEO, &geo)
> >
> $ DEV=/dev/sda
> $ GEOM="`/sbin/hdparm -g $DEV | awk '{print $3}'`"
> $ echo $GEOM
> 19457/255/63
> $

Sure and you could the same with fdisk, sfdisk, parted outputs...

But that wasn't my point, sorry if it wasn't clear.

I was actually wondering why /sys/block/sda exports a lot of disk
features but the disk geometry. I was wondering if somthing like


could be useful...

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