On Wednesday 23 April 2008 01:03:11 Denys Vlasenko wrote:On Tuesday 22 April 2008 20:20, Romano Giannetti wrote:On Sun, 2008-04-20 at 11:44 -0400, Daniel Hazelton wrote:Since the second-most-common reason for stack overages is
ndiswrapper... Well, with there being so much more hardware now
supported directly by the linux kernel...
How would I like you being right... Atheros AR5008, AR5414 PHY, "not yet
here". It's almost one year now since I bought this laptop, and till now
it's the cable or ndiswrapper. But yes, it's going better. For my first
wifi laptop I waited two and a half years, now it seems that in a bit
more than one there will be an open source driver...
I know all the trouble ndiswrapper signify. But I see also that people
around me with a laptop and linux use more ndiswrapper than a real
driver, so... be gentle with it.
Nobody knows how much potential development is not done because
"you can make your wifi work with ndiswrapper".
I've got to agree with that sentiment. Once a working solution is found, no
matter how crappy, it seems that almost all development stops.