touchscreen/event concept question
From: Stefan Sassenberg
Date: Wed Apr 23 2008 - 04:21:42 EST
I'm trying to use a usb touchscreen (urtc1000) but I don't get the
concept of the drivers and the event stuff.
I downloaded the 2-6-25 kernel because of the newly integrated driver
for the very model I want to use, usbtouchscreen. In the XF86Config file
I additionally need to specify a driver, but I don't have an idea which
one. I read about people using evtouch, but I don't know why and I don't
know which /dev/... node to use. I think it has to do with event nodes
and evdev is loaded, too.
Furthermore, I don't know how to suppress a mouse driver that processes
events without suppressing my real hardware mouse.
I hope, my questions are making enough sense to you to see my problem.
Is there someone to explain some of those things?
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