Re: i387/FPU init issues...

From: James Courtier-Dutton
Date: Sat May 03 2008 - 06:58:22 EST

jamal wrote:

Ive narrowed down a problem i am having with an old P2 to commit
61c4628b538608c1a85211ed8438136adfeb9a95 with subject "x86, fpu: split
FPU state from task struct - v5" (Authored by Suresh and committed by
Ingo on Apr/19).

In the process i learnt how painfully time consuming and boring a blind
git bisect feast could be (the last time a kernel worked on the P2 was
back in 2.6.23). I literally spent no less than 10 hours tracking this
(Ok, I was chewing tobbaco in between running git bisect bad/good,
compile, copy over kernel, spit here, reboot, test).
Also this patch is so huge that given my lack of knowledge in the area,
i couldnt do better bisecting to be more exact on what is causing this.
i.e the patch is not bisect-friendly. So the best i can do is have other people take it from here.

I am able to reproduce the issue consistently on my laptop using qemu
(which helped speed debugging a bit). I have also narrowed it down to
include/asm-x86/i387.h::__save_init_fpu in (32 bit version) - it dies
somewhere in calling the following line:

"fnsave %[fx] ;fwait;" GENERIC_NOP8 GENERIC_NOP4,
"fxsave %[fx]\n"
"bt $7,%[fsw] ; jnc 1f ; fnclex\n1:",
[fx] "m" (tsk->thread.xstate->fxsave),
[fsw] "m" (tsk->thread.xstate->fxsave.swd) : "memory");

The only thing that has changed there compared to good version is the
last two lines. But that looks sane to me given the struct naming has
changed. So i am suspecting the calling path perhaps not setting
something or other.

My guess would be that the jnc 1f is now wrong.

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