I want to understand this better. I think the case we're concerned
about is this:
Memory descriptor 0 is not assigned, i.e., its base and limit/range
registers starting at 0x40 contain zeroes, but Descriptor 1, starting
at 0x48, *is* assigned.
The 2.6.25 "get_resources" code doesn't touch the resource table for
Descriptor 0, so its entry remains "unset". The "set_resources" code
skips Descriptor 0 because its resource table entry is "unset" and
writes Descriptor 1.
When I convert the table to a list, I have to make sure that we write
the Descriptor 1 resources to the correct place starting at 0x48, not
to the Descriptor 0 registers. To do this, I made "get_resources" set
the pnp_resource.index field to the current descriptor index, and
"set_resources" uses pnp_resource.index to compute the register address.
However, PNPBIOS, PNPACPI, and even ISAPNP Resource Data is all based
on the ordinal position in list (see the fourth paragraph of section
4.6.1 of the ISA spec). Having pnp_resource.index in addition to a
list position adds a lot of confusion.
I think a better solution would be to get rid of pnp_resource.index
and have "get_resources" add a "disabled" resource for Descriptor 0,
so the Nth MEM resource in the list would always correspond to the
Nth Memory Descriptor register.
Does this make sense?