Re: Something odd in knail from 3.5.9 on F8
From: Tom Spink
Date: Sun May 25 2008 - 10:23:05 EST
2008/5/25 Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Sunday 25 May 2008, Tom Spink wrote:
>>2008/5/25 Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Greetings all;
>>> Yesterday I needed to email a patch file I had just generated to the
>>> maintainer of the OS for a "legacy" computer, so I fired up the new mail
>>> by clicking on his name in a previous email, wrote a short msg and tried
>>> to attach the patch. But regardless of how many times I backed out of the
>>> directory & then went back in, the directory listing I was being shown was
>>> exactly as it had existed about 36 hours ago. No new files could be seen.
>>> So I could not attach it, nor include it as text in that msg.
>>> .
>>> After I had sent the msg, I shut kmail down using its quit button, gave it
>>> 30 secs to clean up and disappear from the htop list, then restarted it,
>>> at which point the newer and missing files were then visible and I sent
>>> the patch using the exact same procedure.
>>> Currently running locally built 2.6.26-rc2 for a kernel. So which
>>> direction do I point the accusatory finger here folks?
>>Hi Gene,
>>Are you able to reproduce the problem? Were you able to view the
>>"real" contents of the directory in, say, a terminal (with ls) or
>>Konqueror (or whatever you prefer), while KMail was acting up?
> Yes, ls or ls -l displayed them correctly in several other terminal shells,
> while kmail couldn't see them. But, kmail had not looked at that directory
> since launching it at the last bootup till then, so I can't quite bring myself
> to believe it was looking at old cached info, that was its first look there
> since bootup a day before.
> And now of course it works. Same kernel, same kmail. Go figure, but I think it
> will take some of that new-fangled math to make 2+2=4 in this case. :-\
Heh, cool. I guess it's some weird "KDE-caching" Heisenbug. Although
I'm no KDE expert at all, and don't know how their file browsers work.
> Thanks Tom.
No problem.
> Cheers, Gene
Tom Spink
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