Re: [2.6.26-rc4] Problems with rt2x00 USB interface on powerpc
From: Rogério Brito
Date: Sun Jun 08 2008 - 18:09:49 EST
Hi, Ivo.
Thank you very much for your very kind reply.
On Jun 09 2008, Ivo van Doorn wrote:
> Hi,
> > Nice to know that. I saw that the code has changed quite a good
> > amount...
> Hehe, yes rt2x00 code is moving quit a lot per kernel release.
Granted. :-) You have been working quite a lot. :-)
> > Anyway, I don't know if you saw the various outputs that I put at my
> > homepage (lots of dmesgs with the 2.6.26-rc4 kernel):
> >
> Yeah, saw them.
Hope that they prove somewhat useful.
> > > > I don't know if the firmware is needed in my case or not, though (my USB
> > > > adaptor is a D-Link DWL-G122 H/W Ver. B1, F/W Ver.: 2.03---took that info
> > > > from the back of the stick).
> > >
> > > Which driver is actually being used? rt2500usb or rt73usb?
> >
> > The driver that actually gets loaded is rt2500usb. I tried rmmod'ing
> > rt2500usb and loading rt73usb, but a quick iwconfig doesn't even show
> > the interfaces.
> That means it really is a rt2500usb device. ;)
Yes. :) I have firmware files installed under /lib/firmware also (taken
from Debian's unstable release---which is what I am using). Are they
> > > Also what was the last kernel version on which the driver worked for
> > > you?
> >
> > Unfortunately, I don't have any kernel for which this has worked for
> > me. I just did an experiment: I plugged the adaptor on a ia32
> > notebook where a rt61pci works fine (it is running Ubuntu's
> > Hardy---well, actually, there are some problems, but I can get to
> > that latter), but the USB key was non working with the symptoms that
> > I described above.
> That is most unfortunate, since register dumps are usually most usefull when
> I can compare the actual register values between a working and
> non-working setup.
Ok. I will try to compile an 2.6.18 kernel with the out-of-tree modules.
I hope that this can prove useful. I plan on getting register dumps (and
I also hope that it will work; perhaps getting the register values with
the legacy rt2500 drivers would help you, if they are available at all.
I don't even know if they will work here, but I guess that I will give
them a shot).
> However I just realized I had a D-Link stick myself, and apparently I have the exact
> same model/type. I'll compile a 2.6.26-rc5 kernel and see if that stick works for me,
> if so, I have the working register dump. And if not, then we can rule
> out endian problems.
Thank you so much.
I will compile other versions of the kernel just to see if I can see the
status of the driver with other versions of kernels/drivers. Since I
just installed a cross-compiler yesterday night on a *much* faster
machine, I don't have to wait more than 1 hour for each kernel
modification that I make (this iBook is slow).
As I said earlier, I plan on doing whatever test you want me to.
Thanks, Rogério Brito.
Rogério Brito : rbrito@{mackenzie,ime.usp}.br : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8 :
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