Re: MMIO and gcc re-ordering issue
From: Jesse Barnes
Date: Tue Jun 10 2008 - 15:20:38 EST
On Tuesday, June 10, 2008 12:05 pm Roland Dreier wrote:
> > me too. That's the whole basis for readX_relaxed() and its cohorts: we
> > make our weirdest machines (like altix) conform to the x86 norm. Then
> > where it really kills us we introduce additional semantics to selected
> > drivers that enable us to recover I/O speed on the abnormal platforms.
> Except as I pointed out before, Altix doesn't conform to the norm and
> many (most?) drivers are missing mmiowb()s that are needed for Altix.
> Just no one has plugged most devices into an Altix (or haven't stressed
> the driver in a way that exposes problems of IO ordering between CPUs).
> It would be a great thing to use the powerpc trick of setting a flag
> that is tested by spin_unlock()/mutex_unlock() and automatically doing
> the mmiowb() if needed, and then killing off mmiowb() entirely.
Yeah I think that's what Nick's guidelines would guarantee. And Jes is
already working on the spin_unlock change you mentioned, so mmiowb() should
be history soon (in name only, assuming Nick also introduces the I/O barriers
he talked about for ordering the looser accessors it would still be there but
would be called io_wmb or something).
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