Re: [PATCH] console - Add configurable support for console charset translation
From: Holger Schurig
Date: Wed Jun 11 2008 - 03:09:28 EST
> Does the linux-tiny approach of adding a kconfig variable for
> each 5kB of code actually make sense? I'm asking since an
> exploding amount of kconfig variables and their
> interdependencies have a not so small maintainance impact in
> the long term.
I don't want to answer for the general case, but I can answer for
my specific case.
My device has Intel Strataflash, which have 256 kB size of
erase-sectors. I reserved one sector for u-boot (which is
plenty) and 4 for linux --- which uses to be plenty in the
2.4.21 days.
It is no longer plenty, some years ago I switched one of the
targets to 2.6.15. The 4 sectors still were ok. Some months ago
I switched to 2.6.24/2.6.25 and now space is VERY scarce. Just
yesterday, when I trashed unionfs because of some misbehavior I
couldn't fix by myself and went with aufs. Now my kernel
suddenly became 14 kB too big for my device.
Now, tiny-linux patches are at 2.6.23, but I could still adapt a
bunch of them to 2.6.25 and with that and some changed configs
my headroom is now again 26460 bytes. Unfortunately, my custom
boot logo had to go :-/
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