Re: stuck tcp connections 2.6.26-rc7
From: Ray Lee
Date: Tue Jun 24 2008 - 13:16:42 EST
2008/6/23 Justin Mattock <justinmattock@xxxxxxxxx>:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Didier Raboud <didier@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Justin Mattock wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 3:59 AM, Andrew Morton
>>> <akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 22 Jun 2008 18:09:16 +0000 "Justin Mattock"
>>>> <justinmattock@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Hello; I too am experiencing internet connectivity problems, for a
>>>>> while I thought
>>>>> It was due to low bandwidth(or being ddos attacked) but yesterday I
>>>>> noticed with watch netstat -ntu
>>>>> send-Q was stuck on a number; the connection would not go to TIME_WAIT
>>>>> resulting in music to pause, and t.v. to freeze.
>>>>> In my experiences running xmms streaming music is fine, no problems,
>>>>> but as soon as
>>>>> you watch something with flash player the stream start's getting
>>>>> really bad. In the past with older kernel's
>>>>> I usually can watch t.v.(with flash) and stream music at the same time
>>>>> without any trouble.
>>>>> lately I've been Running the kernel in No forced Preemption with a
>>>>> time frequency at 100. having the kernel set in this mode really shows
>>>>> the connection problems, but if I change the preemption to another,
>>>>> and bump up the timer frequency the poor internet connection is not as
>>>>> bad(or stuck tcp) but still prevalent. more pops in the music, and
>>>>> sudden internet loss for around five seconds, then goes back
>>>>> So from over here streaming music has no problems from what I can see,
>>>>> but as soon as I watch media, it becomes a mess.
>>>> (cc netdev)
>>> Cool, Thanks for sending the cc
>>> regards;
>> Hi,
>> I get something like a similar bug: when pinging my local gateway, I loose
>> packets (over wifi (iwl3945) ). Before the update to 2.6.26-rc7 (Debian), I
>> had no such issues (which makes Internet browsing working but weirdly).
>> I can't know for sure that my bug is related to the above, but suppose so.
>> Please ask for details !
>> Regards,
>> Didier Raboud
>> - --
> Cool;(cool as in I'm not the only one,not cool for sh*%y internet connections)
> there is something definitely happening with the tcp connection.,
> After looking more at the situation
> I get a good connection when just streaming music, but as soon as I
> watch with flash or even search through firefox
> I'm getting a dead period of no internet, and then a few seconds later
> no problems.Almost as if some timer in the code is missing something
> or not firing off at the right time.
> At this point I'm still uncertain with what is happening.
> regards;
If you leave a ping running as root to your local gateway from a
console ( nice -n -10 ping -i 0.5
or whichever ip ), does it show dropouts?
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