Re: [linux-pm] Linux Power Management Mini-Summit -- Ottawa --July 22, 2008
From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Thu Jun 26 2008 - 09:06:46 EST
On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 14:44 -0400, Len Brown wrote:
> This is an open invitation to participate in
> a Linux Power Management mini-summit
> 9AM Tuesday July 22, 2008 in Ottawa.
> This is the day before the Ottawa Linux Symposium.
> OLS is generously supporting Linux mini-summits by providing the room
> and projector:
> The meeting format will be round-table discussion.
> There will be no phone bridge or audio/video recording.
> However, there will be written minutes as there
> were last year:
> Send suggestions for topics to linux-pm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
> whether you plan to attend or not. The attendees will
> form the agenda by consensus at the start of the session.
> If you would like to attend, please send a note to
> linux-pm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx announcing your intent,
> and what you would like to discuss.
> Last year we were were cautious about presentations, for fear they
> would not support discussion. But the short ones we had actually
> facilitied discussion, so we'll allow them again this year.
> thanks,
> -Len
> ps. There is an opportunity for your company to help sponsor
> the event -- for right now we are on our own for food.
> If you are interseted, please contact me and OLS.
All I can say is "Have fun, guys." I'm interested in developments, and
would love to contribute but there's no way I'd be able to get there and
I have little time to do anything.
I'd be interested (of course) to hear the fruit of discussions re
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