Re: 463 kernel developers missing!
From: Stefan Richter
Date: Wed Jul 30 2008 - 15:50:19 EST
David Schwartz wrote:
I think it's terribly bad manners to submit something to a GPL project and
then complain when someone else uses it the way they want to.
Enforcing data protection laws to restrict rights granted under the GPL is
no different from enforcing an EULA to do ths same thing.
It's not the same thing, by far. EULA = "end user license agreement";
while "data protection law" is... law. Obviously, licenses (contracts)
must not be unlawful.
PS: You may use a GPL'd program any way you want --- although not for
unlawful purposes. But that's not a matter between you and the
copyright holder, it's between you and the law.
PPS: SCM metadata are not part of the program. The DCoO states that
the personal data submitted along with the contribution may be
redistributed "consistent... with the open source license(s) involved",
but it isn't discussed whether other terms of the licenses, notably
those on modification and derivatives, apply to the data supplied for
the certificate of origin.
Stefan Richter
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