Re: [ANNOUNCE] Merkey's Kernel Debugger
From: jmerkey
Date: Tue Aug 05 2008 - 11:23:45 EST
> On Mon, 4 Aug 2008, jmerkey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> yet) and clean up this list of issues. ULONG, etc. is Microsoft syntax
>> for cross platform compatibility. Since this is a LINUX SPECIFIC PATCH,
> You're aware that the Microsoft assumption
> typedef unsigned long ULONG
> is not compatible with 64-bit platforms in the rest of the world?
> Gr{oetje,eeting}s,
> Geert
> --
> Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 --
> geert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No I was not, but I am now. At any rate, I removed the Microsoft-isms
from the code. I can cut yet another patch for git6, but git5 was there
-- GPL2 and all. How about putting in into the kernel guys -- :-)
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