Re: [RFC 1/1][PATCH] POSIX SCHED_SPORADIC implementation for tasksand groups
From: Dario Faggioli
Date: Mon Aug 11 2008 - 11:35:30 EST
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 08:05 -0700, Randy Dunlap wrote:
> > + to schedule aperiodic or sporadic tasks in periodic-based fixed
> > + priorit real-time systems.
> priority
> > + help
> > + Let you chose the maximum number of recharges that can be
> Lets you choose
Thank you very much, I'll aplly your fixes right now! :-)
> > + Anyway, since this is going to cause some memory overhead, it is
> > + wise to not set this to a too much high value.
> wise not to set this to a very high value. // or some other rewording
Yep, I agree... I will rephrase it to something better.
Thank you very much for your review! :-D
<<This happens because I choose it to happen!>>
(Raistlin Majere, DragonLance Chronicles -Dragons of Spring Drawning-)
Dario Faggioli
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