Re: [patch 1/3] kmsg: Kernel message catalog macros.
From: Tim Hockin
Date: Fri Aug 15 2008 - 13:03:28 EST
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Greg KH <gregkh@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'd like to be able to report something like an OOM kill in (roughly)
>> the same way as an ATA error, and I want (though could be talked out
>> of) a way to tell these "events" (for lack of a better word) apart
>> from plain-old-printk()s.
> That's great, then create something that can handle both! Don't throw
> away some wonderful information that way over half the kernel has access
> to just because the minority doesn't. That would mean that we would
> loose information in those drivers overall.
Sorry, I never meant to imply that dev_printk() was to be ignored, my
examples was meant to be trivial to demonstrate :) dev_printk() is
good. We should keep it :)
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