Re: [malware-list] scanner interface proposal was: [TALPA] Intro toa linux interface for on access scanning
From: Alan Cox
Date: Mon Aug 18 2008 - 14:11:38 EST
> I suspect we're saying "on close" when what's really meant is
> "opened for write". In the latter case, the notification would tell
> the user-space program to watch for changes, possibly by something as
> simple as doing a stat now and another when it gets around to
Or more precisely perhaps "on the file becoming dirty". A program that
opens for write, computes for an hour and writes out doesn't want to load
events down until it begins writing.
I agree "on close" is inaccurate for the scanner cases and that is why
we've been talking about events + a close time event.
> deciding if it should scan the file. I see lots of room for
> user-space alternatives for change detection, depending on how much
> state it keeps. Rsync-like, perhaps?
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