Re: [linux-pm] Power management for SCSI

From: Stefan Richter
Date: Tue Aug 19 2008 - 19:25:30 EST

Alan Stern wrote:
On Tue, 19 Aug 2008, Oliver Neukum wrote:

More to the point is whether you should ever suspend any of these devices if there can be multiple initiators. But that's a separate question.
But one that needs to be addressed.

One possibility is to have an attribute flag for SCSI transport
classes, indicating whether the transport supports multiple initiators.

Besides, isn't this already an issue? What happens when someone does a system suspend or hibernate? Don't the attached disk drives get spun down, even if there are other initiators on the same SCSI bus?

In (fw-)sbp2, we have for example this simple code:

static int sbp2_scsi_slave_configure(struct scsi_device *sdev)
if (sbp2_param_exclusive_login)
sdev->manage_start_stop = 1;
By setting the exclusive_login module parameter from Y (default) to N, multiple initiators per logical unit become possible. We are too lazy to check whether there are actually other initiators at a given moment; after all they can come and go all the time. So the simplest strategy is to suppress managed START STOP when concurrent initiators are _possible_.

I suppose though that all multiple initiator capable transports have ways to query the presence of other initiators at any given time; but I don't think the respective effort is justified.

(And is this really a problem? If an error occurs because a drive is spun down when some other device tries to access it, that other device should simply spin the drive back up again.)

The high latency may be a problem.
Stefan Richter
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