Re: SATA problems and fs corruption on recent kernels
From: Tejun Heo
Date: Wed Aug 20 2008 - 04:42:51 EST
Fabio Coatti wrote:
> Yes, and the hardware problem is the first thing I thinked of, but I've
> changed MB and cables, as well as bought a new disk. An I still get some I/O
> errors, even on the new one.
> So, or I'm a bit unlucky to find several faulty disks in a row (it can be :) )
> or something unclear is going on.
> The disk that suffers most lockups, after many tries, is the new one, the only
> SATA-II drive.
> I'll keep stressing the HD trying to figure out what's going on, I'll even try
> a new sata-II unit, to see if I've really picked a heap of faulty disks.
Heh... that's strange. New power and new m/b and new disks don't solve
it? Please let us know the test result.
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