Re: ftrace introduces instability into kernel 2.6.27(-rc2,-rc3)

From: Eran Liberty
Date: Wed Aug 20 2008 - 14:25:53 EST

Jon Smirl wrote:
Manually edit the broken binary to change the order of the restore and
see if the problem disappears. That will keep everything else

checked with objdump where __d_lookup()

> powerpc-linux-gnu-objdump -dr --start-address=0xc0065790 vmlinux | grep "<__d_lookup>:"
c00b91d8 <__d_lookup>:

> liberty@liberty:~/svn/exsw1600-2.6.27-rc2$ powerpc-linux-gnu-objdump -dr --start-address=0xc00b91d8 vmlinux| head -n 100

vmlinux: file format elf32-powerpc

Disassembly of section .text:

c00b91d8 <__d_lookup>:
c00b91d8: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
c00b91dc: 90 01 00 04 stw r0,4(r1)

c00b92bc: 4e 80 04 21 bctrl
c00b92c0: 2f 83 00 00 cmpwi cr7,r3,0
c00b92c4: 41 9e 00 50 beq- cr7,c00b9314 <__d_lookup+0x13c>
c00b92c8: 83 de 00 00 lwz r30,0(r30)
c00b92cc: 2f 9e 00 00 cmpwi cr7,r30,0
c00b92d0: 40 9e ff 98 bne+ cr7,c00b9268 <__d_lookup+0x90>
c00b92d4: 38 60 00 00 li r3,0
c00b92d8: 81 61 00 00 lwz r11,0(r1)
c00b92dc: 80 0b 00 04 lwz r0,4(r11)
c00b92e0: 7d 61 5b 78 mr r1,r11
<=== As explained by Steve, these two should be replaced ===>
c00b92e4: bb 0b ff e0 lmw r24,-32(r11)
c00b92e8: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
c00b92ec: 4e 80 00 20 blr
c00b92f0: 80 04 00 04 lwz r0,4(r4)
c00b9330: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
c00b9334: 4b ff ff a4 b c00b92d8 <__d_lookup+0x100>

c00b9338 <d_lookup>:
c00b9338: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0

on the target I fired up xmon and replaced them.

~ # echo x > /proc/sysrq-trigger
SysRq : Entering xmon
Vector: 0 at [df51fdb8]
pc: c0025960: sysrq_handle_xmon+0x60/0x64
lr: c0025960: sysrq_handle_xmon+0x60/0x64
sp: df51fe80
msr: 21000
current = 0xdc22a9a0
pid = 1698, comm = echo
WARNING: exception is not recoverable, can't continue
enter ? for help
[df51fe90] c0193c38 __handle_sysrq+0xa8/0x178
[df51fec0] c00ee818 write_sysrq_trigger+0x78/0x7c
[df51fed0] c00e65e4 proc_reg_write+0x5c/0x84
[df51fef0] c00a299c vfs_write+0xc8/0x180
[df51ff10] c00a2f40 sys_write+0x5c/0xa4
[df51ff40] c0010554 ret_from_syscall+0x0/0x3c
SP (bffe87e0) is in userspace

mon> di c00b92d0
c00b92d0 409eff98 bne cr7,c00b9268 # __d_lookup+0x90/0x160
c00b92d4 38600000 li r3,0
c00b92d8 81610000 lwz r11,0(r1)
c00b92dc 800b0004 lwz r0,4(r11)
c00b92e0 7d615b78 mr r1,r11
<=== wrong order ===>
c00b92e4 bb0bffe0 lmw r24,-32(r11)
c00b92e8 7c0803a6 mtlr r0
c00b92ec 4e800020 blr
c00b92f0 80040004 lwz r0,4(r4)
c00b92f4 7f80c800 cmpw cr7,r0,r25
c00b92f8 409eff64 bne cr7,c00b925c # __d_lookup+0x84/0x160
c00b92fc 80640008 lwz r3,8(r4)
c00b9300 7f25cb78 mr r5,r25
c00b9304 7f04c378 mr r4,r24
c00b9308 4bf5ccf1 bl c0015ff8 # memcmp+0x0/0x30
c00b930c 2f830000 cmpwi cr7,r3,0
mon> m c00b92e0
c00b92e0 7d l
c00b92e0 7d615b78 bb0bffe0
c00b92e4 bb0bffe0 7d615b78
c00b92e8 7c0803a6 x
mon> di c00b92d0
c00b92d0 409eff98 bne cr7,c00b9268 # __d_lookup+0x90/0x160
c00b92d4 38600000 li r3,0
c00b92d8 81610000 lwz r11,0(r1)
c00b92dc 800b0004 lwz r0,4(r11)
c00b92e0 bb0bffe0 lmw r24,-32(r11)
<=== right order ===>
c00b92e4 7d615b78 mr r1,r11
c00b92e8 7c0803a6 mtlr r0
c00b92ec 4e800020 blr
c00b92f0 80040004 lwz r0,4(r4)
c00b92f4 7f80c800 cmpw cr7,r0,r25
c00b92f8 409eff64 bne cr7,c00b925c # __d_lookup+0x84/0x160
c00b92fc 80640008 lwz r3,8(r4)
c00b9300 7f25cb78 mr r5,r25
c00b9304 7f04c378 mr r4,r24
c00b9308 4bf5ccf1 bl c0015ff8 # memcmp+0x0/0x30
c00b930c 2f830000 cmpwi cr7,r3,0
mon> X
~ #

And took it for a test drive
~# while [ 1 ] ; do find / > /dev/null ; echo . ; done
[ 10 min later ]

Stable! Yeepee.

So how do we get this to be right in the first place and everywhere?

-- Liberty

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