[PATCH 1/4] Add low level PLL config register interface module
From: Kevin Diggs
Date: Mon Aug 25 2008 - 06:43:41 EST
This adds a small module to handle the low level details of dealing with the
PLL config register (HID1) found in the IBM 750GX. It provides 2 possible
interfaces, both selectable via kernel config options. One is a sysfs attribute
and the other is a normal function API. It is called pll_if.
The determination of the bus frequency is what worked on a PowerMac 8600. Any
suggestions on a more general solution are welcome.
WARNING - I used some #ifdefs - Let the fur fly!
My name is Kevin Diggs and I approve this patch.
Signed-off-by: Kevin Diggs <kevdig@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Index: Documentation/cpu-freq/pll.pl
--- /dev/null 2004-08-10 18:55:00.000000000 -0700
+++ Documentation/cpu-freq/pll.pl 2008-08-15 13:42:09.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+pll.pl - Provide user friendly interface to sysfs attribute for the 750GX PLL.
+This uses the pll_if module.
+ pll.pl [ -bdhtv ] [ -f { clk | ratio }]
+ b: print bus frequency
+ d: dump current pll configuration
+ h: print simple usage information
+ f: set frequency to specified clk (MHz) or ratio (r suffix)
+ t: toggle selected pll. Use with -f to cause a switch to the newly
+ modified PLL on lock.
+ v: enable verbose
+This utility provides a user friendly interface to the sysfs attribute that is
+provided by the pll_if module to control the PLL configuration register (HID1)
+in the IBM PowerPC 750FX and 750GX processors.
+=over 4
+=item -b
+print the bus frequency which is used along with the ratios to compute the
+processor clock frequency.
+The method used to get the bus frequency is to use the value of the
+clock-frequency property from the root of the OF tree.
+=item -d
+prints the current value of the PLL configuration register in a human readable
+form (well ... more or less).
+=item -h
+print a simple help message.
+=item -t
+Toggles the selected PLL that is driving the cpu clock. When used with -f causes
+a switch to the new PLL upon lock (when the lock timeout expires).
+=item -v
+Enable verbose mode. Mostly just prints the file paths that stuff is pulled
+=item -f
+Sets the INACTIVE PLL to the selected clock frequency in MHz. If the value has
+an "r" suffix, it is taken as a ratio. This also recognizes the special value
+"off" (-foff) to turn off the INACTIVE PLL.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+kevin diggs
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Std;
+# The layout of the PLL register (HID1) is:
+# 0 4|5 6|7|8| 9 11|12 13|14| 15 |16 20|21 22|23|24 28|29 30| 31
+# PCE |PRE|v|v| Res | Res |v | PS | PC0 | PR0 |v | PC1 | PR1 |Res
+# | | | |
+# PSTAT1 -| | | |
+# ECLK -----| | |
+# PI0 --------------------| |
+# Res ----------------------------------------|
+# PCE PLL0 read-only external config
+# PRE PLL0 read-only external range
+# PSTAT1 PLL status (0 -> PLL0, 1 -> PLL1)
+# ECLK 1 -> enable clkout pin
+# PI0 PLL0 control: 0 -> external
+# PS PLL select: 0 -> PLL0, 1 -> PLL1
+# PC0 PLL0 configuration
+# PR0 PLL0 range
+# PC1 PLL1 configuration
+# PR1 PLL1 range
+# PLL_CFG bus ratio PLL_CFG bus ratio
+# 00000 off 10000 8
+# 00001 off 10001 8.5
+# 00010 bypass 10010 9
+# 00011 bypass 10011 9.5
+# 00100 2 10100 10
+# 00101 2.5 10101 11
+# 00110 3 10110 12
+# 00111 3.5 10111 13
+# 01000 4 11000 14
+# 01001 4.5 11001 15
+# 01010 5 11010 16
+# 01011 5.5 11011 17
+# 01100 6 11100 18
+# 01101 6.5 11101 19
+# 01110 7 11110 20
+# 01111 7.5 11111 off
+# PLL_RNG range
+# 00 600 - 900
+# 01 900 - 1000
+# 10 500 - 600
+# IBM bit numbering:
+# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
+# 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
+# 26 27 28 29 30 31
+# 5 4 3 2 1 0
+# Update the value of the PLL configuration register based on the crap passed
+# in. The upper 8 bits (0 - 7) are read only and will be used as flags to con-
+# trol what we are doing:
+*pllcPLL0_DO_CFG= \0x80000000; # PLL0 configuration is valid
+*pllcPLL0_DO_RNG= \0x40000000; # PLL0 range is valid
+*pllcPLL1_DO_CFG= \0x20000000; # PLL1 configuration is valid
+*pllcPLL1_DO_RNG= \0x10000000; # PLL1 range is valid
+*pllcPLL_DO_SEL= \0x08000000; # PLL select is valid
+#*pllcPLL0_DO_CONTROL= \0x04000000; # PLL0 control is valid
+#*pllcPLL0_CONTROL_MASK= \0x20000;
+*pllcPLL_SEL_MASK= \0x10000;
+#*pllcPLL0_CFG_MASK= \0x0f800;
+*pllcPLL0_CFG_SHIFT= \11;
+#*pllcPLL0_RNG_MASK= \0x00600;
+*pllcPLL0_RNG_SHIFT= \9;
+#*pllcPLL1_CFG_MASK= \0x000f8;
+*pllcPLL1_CFG_SHIFT= \3;
+#*pllcPLL1_RNG_MASK= \0x00006;
+*pllcPLL1_RNG_SHIFT= \1;
+sub plliCommaize
+my ($num) = @_;
+ 1 while $num =~ s/(\d)(\d\d\d)(?!\d)/$1,$2/;
+ return $num;
+sub plliGetActivePLL
+my ($pll) = @_;
+ #
+ # Put PSTAT1 (bit 7 by IBM numbering) into the LSBit position.
+ #
+ $pll = $pll >> 24;
+ $pll = $pll & 0x1;
+ return $pll;
+sub plliGetPLLRatio
+my ($ratio,$config) = @_;
+ #
+ # Turn ratio into a right shift count. 0 -> 11, 1 -> 3
+ #
+ $ratio = ($ratio & 0x1) ^ 1;
+ $ratio = $ratio << 3;
+ $ratio = $ratio + 3;
+ $config = $config >> $ratio;
+ $config = $config & 0x1F;
+ return $config;
+sub plliGetPLLRange
+my ($range,$config) = @_;
+ #
+ # Turn range into a right shift count. 0 -> 9, 1 -> 1
+ #
+ $range = ($range & 0x1) ^ 1;
+ $range = $range << 3;
+ $range = $range + 1;
+ $config = $config >> $range;
+ $config = $config & 0x3;
+ return $config;
+sub plliPLLOff
+my ($pll_ratio) = @_;
+ return $pll_ratio==0 || $pll_ratio==1 || $pll_ratio==31 ||
+ $pll_ratio==2 || $pll_ratio==3;
+sub plliGetBusFreq
+my ($sfile) = @_;
+my $open_status;
+my $byte_count;
+my $bus_freq;
+my $bus_freq_unpacked;
+ #
+ # Get bus clock frequency. Get this from the root of the device tree in
+ # /proc in the "clock-frequency" property of the root node.
+ #
+ $byte_count=0;
+ $open_status=open FH,"<",$sfile;
+ if(!defined $open_status) {die "Can't open $sfile.\n";}
+ binmode FH,":raw";
+ $byte_count=read FH, $bus_freq, 4;
+ close FH;
+ #
+ # Convert binary in bus_freq to normal perl value
+ #
+ $bus_freq_unpacked=unpack "N",$bus_freq;
+ return $bus_freq_unpacked;
+sub plliGetPVR
+my ($sfile) = @_;
+my $cpu_pvr;
+my $cpu_pvr_unpacked;
+my $processor_version;
+my @pvr_list;
+my $byte_count;
+my $open_status;
+my @out;
+ @out=();
+ #
+ # Get processor pvr. It can be found in cpu-version property of the
+ # "PowerPC,*" directory.
+ #
+ $byte_count=0;
+ @pvr_list=();
+ @pvr_list=glob $sfile;
+ $open_status=open FH,"<",$pvr_list[0];
+ if(!defined $open_status) {die "Can't open $pvr_list[0].\n";}
+ binmode FH,":raw";
+ $byte_count=read FH, $cpu_pvr, 4;
+ close FH;
+ #
+ # Convert binary in cpu_pvr to normal perl value
+ #
+ $cpu_pvr_unpacked=unpack "N",$cpu_pvr;
+ $processor_version=unpack "n",$cpu_pvr;
+ #
+ # Put pvr in index 0, version in 1, globbed file name in 2.
+ #
+ push @out,unpack "N",$cpu_pvr;
+ push @out,unpack "n",$cpu_pvr;
+ push @out,$pvr_list[0];
+ return wantarray ? @out:$out[0];
+sub plliGetPLL
+my ($sfile) = @_;
+my $byte_count;
+my $open_status;
+my @pll_list;
+my $pll;
+my @out;
+ @out=();
+ #
+ # Get value of pll. It is in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/ppc750gxpll
+ #
+ $byte_count=0;
+ @pll_list=();
+ @pll_list=glob $sfile;
+ $open_status=open FH,"<",$pll_list[0];
+ if(!defined $open_status) {die "Can't open $pll_list[0].\n";}
+ #
+ # Currently, this is ascii.
+ #
+ $pll=<FH>;
+ close FH;
+ chop $pll;
+ #
+ # Stick pll (in ascii?) in element 0. Put globbed file name in 1.
+ #
+ push @out,$pll;
+ push @out,$pll_list[0];
+ return wantarray ? @out:$out[0];
+sub plliSetPLL
+my ($sfile,$pll) = @_;
+my $byte_count;
+my $open_status;
+my @pll_list;
+ #
+ # Set value of pll. It is in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/ppc750gxpll
+ #
+ $byte_count=0;
+ @pll_list=();
+ @pll_list=glob $sfile;
+ $open_status=open FH,">",$pll_list[0];
+ if(!defined $open_status) {die "Can't open $pll_list[0].\n";}
+ printf FH "%x",$pll;
+ close FH;
+sub plliAsciiizePLL
+my ($pll,$bus_clk,$sfile,$verbose) = @_;
+my @range_string = ("default","high","low","reserved");
+my @fmt_list = ("off","bypass","%d","%d.5");
+# This mess represents a 32 element array of 2 bit values to turn the ratio
+# into one of the above format strings.
+my @ratio_fmt = (0xEEEEEE50,0x2AAAAAEE);
+my $temp0;
+my $i;
+my $j;
+my $rat0_ext;
+my $rng0_ext;
+my $pll0_cfg_ext;
+my $rat0;
+my $rng0;
+my $pll0_cfg;
+my $rat1;
+my $rng1;
+my $pll1_cfg;
+my @out;
+ @out=();
+ $pll=hex $pll;
+ #
+ # PCE, bits [0-4]
+ #
+ $temp0=$pll>>27;
+ $temp0=$temp0&0x1F;
+ if($temp0>15)
+ {
+ $i=$temp0-16;
+ $j=$ratio_fmt[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $i=$temp0;
+ $j=$ratio_fmt[0];
+ }
+ $rng0=($j>>($i<<1))&0x3;
+ if($temp0>20) {$temp0=($temp0-10)<<1;}
+ $rat0_ext=$temp0;
+ $pll0_cfg_ext=sprintf $fmt_list[$rng0],$rat0_ext>>1;
+ #
+ # PRE, bits [5-6]
+ #
+ $rng0_ext=($pll>>25)&0x3;
+ #
+ # PC0, bits [16-20]
+ #
+ $temp0=plliGetPLLRatio(0,$pll);
+ if($temp0>15)
+ {
+ $i=$temp0-16;
+ $j=$ratio_fmt[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $i=$temp0;
+ $j=$ratio_fmt[0];
+ }
+ $rng0=($j>>($i<<1))&0x3;
+ if($temp0>20) {$temp0=($temp0-10)<<1;}
+ $rat0=$temp0;
+ $pll0_cfg=sprintf $fmt_list[$rng0],$rat0>>1;
+ #
+ # PR0, bits [21-22]
+ #
+ $rng0=plliGetPLLRange(0,$pll);
+ #
+ # PC1, bits [24-28]
+ #
+ $temp0=plliGetPLLRatio(1,$pll);
+ if($temp0>15)
+ {
+ $i=$temp0-16;
+ $j=$ratio_fmt[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $i=$temp0;
+ $j=$ratio_fmt[0];
+ }
+ $rng1=($j>>($i<<1))&0x3;
+ if($temp0>20) {$temp0=($temp0-10)<<1;}
+ $rat1=$temp0;
+ $pll1_cfg=sprintf $fmt_list[$rng1],$rat1>>1;
+ #
+ # PR1, bits [29-30]
+ #
+ $rng1=plliGetPLLRange(1,$pll);
+ push @out,sprintf "0x%08x: ",$pll;
+ push @out,sprintf "PLL0 external (%s (%s MHz), %s), ",$pll0_cfg_ext,
+ plliCommaize($rat0_ext*$bus_clk/2000000),
+ $range_string[$rng0_ext];
+ push @out,sprintf "PLL %d selected, ",plliGetActivePLL($pll);
+ push @out,sprintf "PLL0 %s, ",($pll>>17)&0x1?"internal":"external";
+ push @out,sprintf "PLL0 (%s (%s MHz), %s), ",$pll0_cfg,
+ plliCommaize($rat0*$bus_clk/2000000),$range_string[$rng0];
+ push @out,sprintf "PLL1 (%s (%s MHz), %s)",$pll1_cfg,
+ plliCommaize($rat1*$bus_clk/2000000),$range_string[$rng1];
+ if($verbose)
+ {
+ push @out,sprintf "\n\tFrom file %s.",$sfile;
+ }
+# return wantarray ? @out:$out[0];
+ return @out;
+sub plliPrintHelp
+ printf "%s: [ -bdhtv ] [ -f { clk | ratio }] [ -p pll ] [ -s pll ]\n",
+ $0;
+ printf "\tb:\tprint bus frequency\n";
+ printf "\td:\tdump current pll configuration\n";
+ printf "\tf:\tset frequency to specified clk (MHz) or ratio (r suffix)";
+ printf "\n";
+ printf "\tp:\tuse specified pll (0 or 1)\n";
+ printf "\ts:\tswitch to selected pll (0 or 1)\n";
+ printf "\tt:\ttoggle selected pll. Use with -f to cause a switch to ".
+ "the newly\n\t\tmodified PLL on lock.\n";
+ printf "\tv:\tenable verbose\n";
+sub plliPrintBusFreq
+my ($bus_freq,$sfile,$verbose) = @_;
+ if($bus_freq>1000000) {$bus_freq=$bus_freq/1000000;}
+ $bus_freq=plliCommaize $bus_freq;
+ print "System Bus Frequency is $bus_freq MHz.\n";
+ print "\tFrom $sfile.\n" if $verbose;
+sub plliTogglePLL
+my ($sfile,$bus_freq,$verbose) = @_;
+my @pll;
+my $pll;
+my $active_pll;
+my $active_ratio;
+my $other_pll;
+my $other_ratio;
+my $set_pll;
+ @pll=plliGetPLL($sfile);
+ $pll=hex $pll[0];
+ $active_pll=plliGetActivePLL($pll);
+ $active_ratio=plliGetPLLRatio $active_pll,$pll;
+ #
+ # Make sure the "other" pll is active
+ #
+ $other_pll=$active_pll^1;
+ $other_ratio=plliGetPLLRatio $other_pll,$pll;
+printf "active %d, other %d\n",$active_ratio,$other_ratio;
+ if(plliPLLOff($other_ratio))
+ {
+ printf "\"Other\" PLL %d (%d) is off. Can't switch to it.\n",
+ $other_pll,$other_ratio;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $set_pll=$pllcPLL_DO_SEL;
+ if($other_pll==1) {$set_pll=$set_pll|$pllcPLL_SEL_MASK;}
+ if($verbose)
+ {
+ if($active_ratio>20) {$active_ratio=($active_ratio-10)
+ <<1;}
+ if($other_ratio>20) {$other_ratio=($other_ratio-10)
+ <<1;}
+ printf "Switching from PLL %d (%d: %s MHz) to PLL %d",
+ $active_pll,$active_ratio,plliCommaize(
+ $active_ratio*$bus_freq/2000000),$other_pll;
+ printf " (%d: %s MHz)\n",$other_ratio,plliCommaize(
+ $other_ratio*$bus_freq/2000000);
+ }
+ plliSetPLL $sfile,$set_pll;
+ }
+sub plliSetFreq
+my ($sfile,$freq_arg,$pll_num,$pll_set,$bus_freq,$verbose) = @_;
+my @pll;
+my $pll;
+my $active_pll;
+my $active_ratio;
+my $set_pll;
+my $new_rat;
+my $new_cfg;
+my $new_rng;
+my $temp;
+my $computed_freq;
+my $cfg_shift;
+my $rng_shift;
+my $freq_copy;
+ @pll=plliGetPLL($sfile);
+ $pll=hex $pll[0];
+ $freq_copy=$freq_arg;
+ $active_pll=plliGetActivePLL($pll);
+ $active_ratio=plliGetPLLRatio $active_pll,$pll;
+ #
+ # Figure out which PLL to use. If the number is passed in via $pll_num,
+ # make sure it is not the active PLL.
+ #
+ if(defined $pll_num)
+ {
+ if($pll_num!=0 && $pll_num!=1)
+ {
+ die sprintf "Specified PLL must be 0 or 1 (%d)\n",
+ $pll_num;
+ }
+ if($pll_num==$active_pll)
+ {
+ die sprintf "Can't change active PLL (%d)\n",$pll_num;
+ }
+ }
+ else {$pll_num=$active_pll^1;}
+ #
+ # Now analyze the frequency argument. There are three possible formats:
+ # i) a straight number is taken as a MHz value
+ # ii) a number followed by an 'r' (or 'R') to be used as a ratio
+ # iii) the string 'off' to turn the PLL off
+ #
+ if($freq_copy eq "off") {$new_rat=0;}
+ elsif($freq_copy=~/([\d]+)[rR]/)
+ {
+ $new_rat=$1;
+ #
+ # Check the range of values. Legal values are [2-20]. Have no
+ # idea which are legal for the core at the given bus frequency.
+ #
+ if($new_rat<2 || $new_rat>20)
+ {
+ die sprintf "Specified ratio (%d) is out of range\n",
+ $new_rat;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($freq_copy=~/([\d]+)/)
+ {
+ $new_rat=$1*1000000;
+ #
+ # Convert frequency to ratio by dividing by $bus_freq. Then
+ # make sure the given ratio is within the legal range. (Don't
+ # know if it is valid for the core.)
+ #
+ $temp=$new_rat/$bus_freq;
+ if($temp<2 || $temp>20)
+ {
+ die sprintf "Specified frequency (%d) results in ratio".
+ " (%d) that is out of range\n",$new_rat,$temp;
+ }
+ $new_rat=$temp;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die sprintf "Can't parse frequency argument (%s)\n",$freq_arg;
+ }
+ #
+ # First convert actual bus ratio to CFG specific value. From 2 to 10
+ # just double it. From 11 to 20 add 10.
+# if($temp0>20) {$temp0=($temp0-10)<<1;}
+ #
+ if($new_rat<11) {$new_cfg=$new_rat<<1;}
+ else {$new_cfg=$new_rat+10;}
+ #
+ # Now set the range. I don't know what to do with this? Not sure what
+ # the correct values are for 600,000,000 and 900,000,000 (See table 5-1
+ # in 750GX data sheet).
+ #
+ $computed_freq=$bus_freq*$new_rat;
+ if($computed_freq<600000000) {$new_rng=2;}
+ elsif($computed_freq<900000000) {$new_rng=0;}
+ else {$new_rng=1;}
+ if($pll_num==0)
+ {
+ $cfg_shift=$pllcPLL0_CFG_SHIFT;
+ $rng_shift=$pllcPLL0_RNG_SHIFT;
+ $set_pll=$pllcPLL0_DO_CFG|$pllcPLL0_DO_RNG;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $cfg_shift=$pllcPLL1_CFG_SHIFT;
+ $rng_shift=$pllcPLL1_RNG_SHIFT;
+ $set_pll=$pllcPLL1_DO_CFG|$pllcPLL1_DO_RNG;
+ }
+ $set_pll=$set_pll|($new_cfg<<$cfg_shift)|($new_rng<<$rng_shift);
+ #
+ # If the pll_set argument is defined, then also encode a PLL change to
+ # the new PLL
+ #
+ if(defined $pll_set && $freq_arg ne "off")
+ {
+ $set_pll=$set_pll|$pllcPLL_DO_SEL;
+ if($pll_num==1) {$set_pll=$set_pll|$pllcPLL_SEL_MASK;}
+ }
+ if($verbose)
+ {
+ if($freq_arg eq "off")
+ {
+ printf "Turning PLL %d off\n",$pll_num;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf "Setting PLL %d to %s MHz (%d)\n",$pll_num,
+ plliCommaize($computed_freq/1000000),$new_cfg;
+ }
+ if(defined $pll_set && $freq_arg ne "off")
+ {
+ printf "\tAlso switching to the newly modified PLL\n";
+ }
+ }
+ plliSetPLL $sfile,$set_pll;
+our ($opt_o, $opt_i, $opt_f);
+our %pllgOptHash;
+my $pllgBusFreq;
+my $pllgVerbose;
+my @pvr;
+my @pll;
+if(defined $pllgOptHash{h} && $pllgOptHash{h}==1) {plliPrintHelp;}
+if(defined $pllgOptHash{v} && $pllgOptHash{v}==1) {$pllgVerbose=1;}
+#@pvr=plliGetPVR $pllcCPUPVR;
+#printf "Printed output from plliGetPVR() is %x.\n",plliGetPVR($pllcCPUPVR);
+#printf "CPU PVR from \"%s\" is %8x\n",$pvr[2],$pvr[0];
+#printf "CPU Version is %4x\n",$pvr[1];
+$pllgBusFreq=plliGetBusFreq $pllcBusFreqFile;
+@pll=plliGetPLL $pllcSysFS;
+if(defined $pllgOptHash{d} && $pllgOptHash{d}==1)
+ print plliAsciiizePLL($pll[0],$pllgBusFreq,$pll[1],$pllgVerbose),"\n";
+ #
+ # Only do -d once if we aren't changing the PLL
+ #
+ if(!defined $pllgOptHash{t} && !defined $pllgOptHash{f} && !defined
+ $pllgOptHash{s}) {exit;}
+if(defined $pllgOptHash{b} && $pllgOptHash{b}==1) {plliPrintBusFreq
+ $pllgBusFreq,$pllcBusFreqFile,$pllgVerbose;}
+if(defined $pllgOptHash{t} && $pllgOptHash{t}==1 && !defined $pllgOptHash{f})
+ {plliTogglePLL $pllcSysFS,$pllgBusFreq,$pllgVerbose;}
+if(defined $pllgOptHash{f}) {plliSetFreq $pllcSysFS,$pllgOptHash{f},
+ ,$pllgOptHash{p},$pllgOptHash{t},$pllgBusFreq,$pllgVerbose;}
+@pll=plliGetPLL $pllcSysFS;
+if(defined $pllgOptHash{d} && $pllgOptHash{d}==1) {print plliAsciiizePLL(
+ $pll[0],$pllgBusFreq,$pll[1],$pllgVerbose),"\n";}
Index: arch/powerpc/kernel/cpu/pll_if.c
--- /dev/null 2004-08-10 18:55:00.000000000 -0700
+++ arch/powerpc/kernel/cpu/pll_if.c 2008-08-25 01:38:30.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+ * pll_if.c - low level interface to HID1 (PLL config) in the PowerPC 750GX
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 kevin Diggs
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
+ * your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+#include "linux/init.h"
+#include "linux/module.h"
+#include <linux/autoconf.h>
+#include "linux/kernel.h"
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/cpu.h>
+#include "linux/of.h"
+#include "linux/notifier.h"
+#include "linux/delay.h"
+#include "linux/completion.h"
+#include "linux/sysdev.h"
+#include "linux/hrtimer.h"
+#include "asm/time.h"
+#include <asm/mmu.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
+#include <asm/cputable.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/pll_if.h>
+#include <asm/pll.h>
+#include <asm/smp.h>
+static DECLARE_COMPLETION(pllif_v_exit_completion);
+static unsigned int boot_ratio;
+static unsigned int pllif_v_bus_clock;
+static unsigned int override_bus_clock = 0;
+static enum hrtimer_restart pllif_i_timer_f(struct hrtimer *hrt);
+static struct hrtimer pll_timer;
+static unsigned long hrtimers_got_no_freakin_callback_data;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+cycles_t pll_time_stamp;
+static void pllif_i_timer_f(unsigned long newPLL);
+static struct timer_list pll_timer;
+cycles_t pll_time_stamp;
+unsigned long boot_loops;
+static struct sys_device *sysdev_cpu;
+static ssize_t show_ppc750gxpll(struct sys_device *dev, char *buf)
+ return sprintf(buf, "%x\n", get_PLL());
+static ssize_t __used store_ppc750gxpll(struct sys_device *dev,
+ const char *buf, size_t count)
+unsigned long pll_ul;
+int ret;
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: buf=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buf);
+ ret = strict_strtoul(buf, 16, &pll_ul);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: %lx (%lu)\n", __func__, __LINE__, pll_ul,
+ pll_ul);
+ if (!ret)
+ ret = 0;
+ else {
+ ret = strlen(buf);
+ /* pllif_modify_PLL((unsigned int)pll_ul,!0); */
+ pllif_modify_PLL((unsigned int)pll_ul, 0);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static SYSDEV_ATTR(ppc750gxpll, 0600, show_ppc750gxpll, store_ppc750gxpll);
+struct pllif_t_call_data {
+ void *data;
+ int scalar;
+static struct pllif_t_call_data pllif_v_switch_call_data;
+static struct pllif_t_call_data pllif_v_lock_call_data;
+static RAW_NOTIFIER_HEAD(pllif_v_pll_switch_chain);
+static RAW_NOTIFIER_HEAD(pllif_v_pll_lock_chain);
+ * This initializes the code for the PLL control:
+ * boot_ratio is used to scale the loops_per_jiffy value from its boot value
+ * boot_loops is the boot value of loops_per_jiffy and is used to compute new
+ * values
+ */
+static int __init init_PLL(void)
+unsigned int temp;
+const u32 *clk;
+struct device_node *tree_root;
+ if (!cpu_has_feature(CPU_FTR_DUAL_PLL_750FX))
+ return -ENODEV;
+ boot_ratio = 0;
+ /*
+ * See if bus clock override was specified
+ */
+ if (override_bus_clock)
+ pllif_v_bus_clock = override_bus_clock*1000;
+ /*
+ * If bus clock is not specified, try to get it via OF
+ */
+ if (!pllif_v_bus_clock) {
+ /*
+ * Get root node (aka MacRISC bus)
+ */
+ tree_root = of_find_node_by_name(NULL, "");
+ if (tree_root) {
+ clk = of_get_property(tree_root, "clock-frequency",
+ NULL);
+ if (clk && *clk)
+ pllif_v_bus_clock = (unsigned int) *clk;
+ of_node_put(tree_root);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: Bus clock from OF is %u\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, pllif_v_bus_clock);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* CONFIG_PPC_OF */
+ if (!pllif_v_bus_clock) {
+ pr_err(__FILE__">%s()-%d: Can't determine bus clock.\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure the clock frequency is correct
+ */
+ temp = get_PLL();
+ temp = get_PLL_ratio(get_active_PLL(temp), temp);
+ ppc_proc_freq = pllif_cfg_to_freq(temp);
+ /*
+ * Units for boot ratio is halves, i.e. 20 is a ratio of 10.
+ * From 21 on the returned value needs to be converted to halves.
+ */
+ if (temp > 20)
+ temp = (temp-10)<<1;
+ boot_ratio = temp;
+ boot_loops = loops_per_jiffy;
+ /*
+ * Try to get the cpu sysdev
+ */
+ sysdev_cpu = get_cpu_sysdev(boot_cpuid);
+ if (sysdev_cpu != NULL)
+ sysdev_create_file(sysdev_cpu, &attr_ppc750gxpll);
+ hrtimer_init(&pll_timer, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, HRTIMER_MODE_REL);
+ init_timer(&pll_timer);
+ pll_timer.function = pllif_i_timer_f;
+ return 0;
+/*__initcall(init_PLL); */
+static void exit_PLL(void)
+ if (sysdev_cpu != NULL)
+ sysdev_remove_file(sysdev_cpu, &attr_ppc750gxpll);
+ /*
+ * Make sure there are no timers pending by making sure we are not
+ * doing anything
+ */
+ wait_for_completion(&pllif_v_exit_completion);
+static unsigned long pllif_i_new_LPJ(unsigned int oldRatio, unsigned int
+ newRatio, unsigned long LPJ)
+ if (LPJ > 200000000)
+ return LPJ/oldRatio*newRatio;
+ else
+ return LPJ*newRatio/oldRatio;
+static inline void pllif_i_update_LPJ(unsigned int oldRatio, unsigned int
+ newRatio, unsigned long LPJ)
+ loops_per_jiffy = pllif_i_new_LPJ(oldRatio, newRatio, LPJ);
+#define pllif_i_update_LPJ(a, b, c)
+static void pllif_i_switch_PLLs(unsigned int newPLL)
+#if 0
+unsigned long flags;
+unsigned int new_ratio, new_ratio_cp, old_ratio, current_pll, masked_boot_ratio;
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: newPLL=0x%08x\n", __func__, __LINE__,
+ newPLL);
+ /*
+ * Compute new loops_per_jiffy
+ */
+ current_pll = get_PLL();
+ new_ratio = get_PLL_ratio(get_next_PLL(newPLL), current_pll);
+ old_ratio = get_PLL_ratio(get_active_PLL(current_pll), current_pll);
+ masked_boot_ratio = boot_ratio&0xff;
+ new_ratio_cp = new_ratio;
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: current_pll=0x%08x, new=%d, old=%d\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, current_pll, new_ratio, old_ratio);
+ current_pll = (current_pll&~PLL_SEL_MASK)|(newPLL&PLL_SEL_MASK);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: current_pll=0x%08x, new=%d, old=%d\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, current_pll, new_ratio, old_ratio);
+ /*
+ * Convert to halves
+ */
+ if (new_ratio > 20)
+ new_ratio = (new_ratio-10)<<1;
+ if (old_ratio > 20)
+ old_ratio = (old_ratio-10)<<1;
+ /*
+ * Make sure that we never shorten the sleep values
+ */
+ if (new_ratio > old_ratio) {
+ if (newPLL&PLL_DO_LPJ)
+ pllif_i_update_LPJ(masked_boot_ratio, new_ratio,
+ boot_loops);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: masked_boot_ratio=%d, new_ratio="
+ "%d, boot_loops=%ld, loops_per_jiffy=%ld\n", __func__, __LINE__,
+ masked_boot_ratio, new_ratio, boot_loops, loops_per_jiffy);
+ set_PLL(current_pll);
+ } else {
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: masked_boot_ratio=%d, new_"
+ "ratio=%d, boot_loops=%ld, loops_per_jiffy=%ld\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, masked_boot_ratio, new_ratio,
+ boot_loops, loops_per_jiffy);
+ set_PLL(current_pll);
+ if (newPLL&PLL_DO_LPJ)
+ pllif_i_update_LPJ(masked_boot_ratio, new_ratio,
+ boot_loops);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: masked_boot_ratio=%d, new_"
+ "ratio=%d, boot_loops=%ld, loops_per_jiffy=%ld\n",
+ __func__, __LINE__, masked_boot_ratio, new_ratio,
+ boot_loops, loops_per_jiffy);
+ }
+ raw_notifier_call_chain(&pllif_v_pll_switch_chain, pllifmPllSwitch,
+ pllif_v_switch_call_data.data);
+ /*
+ * This is used to print the clock frequency in /proc/cpuinfo
+ */
+ ppc_proc_freq = pllif_cfg_to_freq(new_ratio_cp);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: pllif_cfg_to_freq(%u)=%lu\n", __func__,
+ __LINE__, new_ratio_cp, ppc_proc_freq);
+#if 0
+ save_flags(flags);
+ cli();
+ loops_per_jiffy = pllif_i_new_LPJ(masked_boot_ratio, new_ratio,
+ boot_loops);
+ set_PLL(current_pll);
+ restore_flags(flags);
+static enum hrtimer_restart pllif_i_timer_f(struct hrtimer *hrt)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+cycles_t now;
+cycles_t usec, tmp, cntlz, cnttz;
+ now = get_cycles();
+ now = now-pll_time_stamp;
+ /*
+ * Aw cmon, I'm just havin' a little fun with PPC assembly.
+ * Just wish I could find a way to use an rlwinm ...
+ */
+ cnttz = tb_ticks_per_sec; /* needed to get the assembly to ...
+ * look right ... ??? */
+ tmp = now*15625;
+ asm (
+ "addi %0,%3,-1\n\t"
+ "andc %1,%3,%0\n\t"
+ "cntlzw %1,%1\n\t"
+ "subfic %1,%1,31\n\t"
+ "cntlzw %0,%2\n\t":
+ "=r"(cntlz), "=r"(cnttz):
+ "r"(tmp), "b"(cnttz)
+ );
+ /*
+ * 1,000,000 usec per sec and 1,000,000 is 15625<<6
+ */
+ usec = ((tmp<<cntlz)/(tb_ticks_per_sec>>cnttz))<<6;
+ usec = (usec+(1UL<<(cntlz+cnttz-1)))>>(cntlz+cnttz);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: Time delta is %lu cycles, "
+ "%lu uS (cntlz=%lu, cnttz=%lu)\n", __func__, __LINE__, now,
+ usec, cntlz, cnttz);
+ raw_notifier_call_chain(&pllif_v_pll_lock_chain, pllifmPllLock,
+ pllif_v_lock_call_data.data);
+ /*
+ * Clear all lock bits
+ */
+ boot_ratio &= ~(PLL_TIMER|PLL0_LOCK|PLL1_LOCK);
+ if ((unsigned int) hrtimers_got_no_freakin_callback_data)
+ pllif_i_switch_PLLs((unsigned int)
+ hrtimers_got_no_freakin_callback_data);
+ complete(&pllif_v_exit_completion);
+static void pllif_i_timer_f(unsigned long newPLL)
+cycles_t now;
+ now = get_cycles();
+ now = now-pll_time_stamp;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ {
+ cycles_t usec, tmp, cntlz, cnttz;
+ /*
+ * Aw cmon, I'm just havin' a little fun with PPC assembly.
+ * Just wish I could find a way to use an rlwinm ...
+ */
+ cnttz = tb_ticks_per_sec; /* needed to get the assembly to ...
+ * look right ... ??? */
+#define MULFIRST
+#ifdef MULFIRST
+ tmp = now*15625;
+ tmp = now;
+ asm (
+ "addi %0,%3,-1\n\t"
+ "andc %1,%3,%0\n\t"
+ "cntlzw %1,%1\n\t"
+ "subfic %1,%1,31\n\t"
+ "cntlzw %0,%2\n\t":
+ "=r"(cntlz), "=r"(cnttz):
+ "r"(tmp), "b"(cnttz)
+ );
+ /*
+ * 1,000,000 usec per sec and 1,000,000 is 15625<<6
+ */
+/* usec = (((now<<cntlz)/(tb_ticks_per_sec>>cnttz)*15625)+(1UL<<
+ (cntlz+cnttz-1-6)))>>(cntlz+cnttz-6); */
+#ifdef MULFIRST
+ usec = ((tmp<<cntlz)/(tb_ticks_per_sec>>cnttz))<<6;
+ usec = (usec+(1UL<<(cntlz+cnttz-1)))>>(cntlz+cnttz);
+ usec = ((tmp<<cntlz)/(tb_ticks_per_sec>>cnttz)*15625)<<6;
+ usec = (usec+(1UL<<(cntlz+cnttz-1)))>>(cntlz+cnttz);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: Time delta is %lu cycles, "
+ "%lu uS (cntlz=%lu, cnttz=%lu)\n", __func__, __LINE__,
+ now, usec, cntlz, cnttz);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Make sure it has been at least 100 usec. 100 usec is 100 *
+ * tb_ticks_per_sec / 1,000,000 cycles, so:
+ * if(now<100*tb_ticks_per_sec/1000000
+ * 1,000,000 is 15625<<6, so:
+ * if((now<<6)<100*tb_ticks_per_sec/15625)
+ * 100 is 25<<2, so:
+ * if((now<<4)<25*tb_ticks_per_sec/15625)
+ * 15625 is 3125*5, so:
+ * if((now<<4)*5<25*tb_ticks_per_sec/3125)
+ * obviously 25/3125 -> 1/125:
+ * if((now<<4)*5<tb_ticks_per_sec/125)
+ */
+ if ((now<<4)*5 < tb_ticks_per_sec/125)
+ udelay(100-now*1000000/tb_ticks_per_sec);
+ raw_notifier_call_chain(&pllif_v_pll_lock_chain, pllifmPllLock,
+ pllif_v_lock_call_data.data);
+ /*
+ * Clear all lock bits
+ */
+ boot_ratio &= ~(PLL_TIMER|PLL0_LOCK|PLL1_LOCK);
+ if ((unsigned int)newPLL)
+ pllif_i_switch_PLLs((unsigned int)newPLL);
+ complete(&pllif_v_exit_completion);
+ * Handle accesses to the pll register. Examples for write:
+ * value CFGx/RNGx/res effect
+ * 0x08010000 switch to PLL1
+ * 0x08000000 switch to PLL0
+ * 0xc000fa00 1111 1/01/0 PLL0 off (CFG/RNG 31/1)
+ * 0xc000f200 1111 0/01/0 PLL0 to 20x (CFG/RNG 30/1)
+ * 0x30000004 0000 0/10/0 PLL1 off (CFG/RNG 0/2)
+ * 0x30000054 0101 0/10/0 PLL1 to 5x (CFG/RNG a/2)
+ */
+ * modifyPLL: - Takes steps to modify PLL as requested
+ * @pll: Specifies the new value and desired operation to be performed
+ * @scaleLPJ: flag to indicate whether to scale the loops_per_jiffy value
+ *
+ * Based on the value passed in the pll argument, this takes the steps necessary
+ * to change the PLL as requested. The upper 7 or 8 bits of the PLL are read
+ * only. These bit positions in the pll argument are used to specify flags that
+ * indicate the validity of the other fields in the pll argument. See the
+ * pll_if.h header for detail and actual values.
+ */
+int pllif_modify_PLL(unsigned int pll, int scaleLPJ)
+unsigned int current_pll, work_mask, pll_x;
+int rval = 0;
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d:\n", __func__, __LINE__);
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: pll=0x%08x\n", __func__, __LINE__, pll);
+ /*
+ * This is not reentrant
+ */
+ if (test_and_set_bit(PLL_LOCK_BIT, (unsigned long *)&boot_ratio)) {
+ pr_debug(__FILE__">%s()-%d: Busy!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Don't allow any changes if a timer is pending
+ */
+ if (test_bit(PLL_TIMER_BIT, (unsigned long *)&boot_ratio))
+ goto checkPLLBusy;
+ INIT_COMPLETION(pllif_v_exit_completion);
+ current_pll = get_PLL();
+ work_mask = pll>>24;
+ /*
+ * Check to see if the currently selected PLL is being modified
+ */
+ pll_x = get_active_PLL(current_pll);
+ if ((pll_x == 0 && work_mask&(PLL0_DO_CFG|PLL0_DO_RNG|PLL0_DO_CONTROL))
+ || (pll_x == 1 && work_mask&(PLL1_DO_CFG|PLL1_DO_RNG)))
+ goto checkPLLInVal;
+ /*
+ * Can't change to a PLL that is off. Also can't immediately change to
+ * one that is not locked. Catch that supposedly impossible condition.
+ */
+ if (work_mask&PLL_DO_SEL) {
+ int next_ratio;
+ unsigned int which_config;
+ pll_x = get_next_PLL(pll);
+ /*
+ * Figure out where the next ratio comes from. It will be from
+ * pll if we are changing the next pll and current_pll if not.
+ */
+ which_config = pll_x?((work_mask&PLL1_DO_CFG)?pll:current_pll):
+ ((work_mask&PLL0_DO_CFG)?pll:current_pll);
+ next_ratio = get_PLL_ratio(pll_x, which_config);
+ if (next_ratio < 4 || next_ratio > 30)
+ goto checkPLLInVal;
+ pll_x = ((pll_x == 0 && boot_ratio&PLL0_LOCK) || (pll_x == 1 &&
+ boot_ratio&PLL1_LOCK))?1:0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * To avoid complications, don't allow both plls to be half ratios
+ */
+ if (work_mask&PLL0_DO_CFG) {
+ int old_ratio1, new_ratio0;
+ old_ratio1 = get_PLL_ratio(1, current_pll);
+ new_ratio0 = get_PLL_ratio(0, pll);
+ if (old_ratio1 > 4 && old_ratio1 < 20 && new_ratio0 > 4 &&
+ new_ratio0 < 20 && (old_ratio1&0x1) & (new_ratio0&0x1))
+ goto checkPLLInVal;
+ } else if (work_mask&PLL1_DO_CFG) {
+ int old_ratio0, new_ratio1;
+ old_ratio0 = get_PLL_ratio(0, current_pll);
+ new_ratio1 = get_PLL_ratio(1, pll);
+ if (old_ratio0 > 4 && old_ratio0 < 20 && new_ratio1 > 4 &&
+ new_ratio1 < 20 && (old_ratio0&0x1) & (new_ratio1&0x1))
+ goto checkPLLInVal;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Determine if we will need to schedule a timer for a PLL relock. If
+ * any PLL config is being changed then a timer will be needed. Also
+ * need one if changing to a PLL that is not locked, though that should
+ * not happen.
+ */
+ if ((work_mask&(PLL0_DO_CFG|PLL0_DO_RNG|PLL1_DO_CFG|PLL1_DO_RNG|
+ PLL0_DO_CONTROL)) || (work_mask&PLL_DO_SEL && pll_x)) {
+ unsigned int pll_mask, temp;
+ pll_mask = 0;
+ if (work_mask&PLL0_DO_CFG) {
+ pll_mask |= PLL0_CFG_MASK;
+ /*
+ * Flag that PLL0 needs to relock
+ */
+ boot_ratio |= PLL0_LOCK;
+ }
+ if (work_mask&PLL0_DO_RNG)
+ pll_mask |= PLL0_RNG_MASK;
+ if (work_mask&PLL1_DO_CFG) {
+ pll_mask |= PLL1_CFG_MASK;
+ /*
+ * Flag that PLL1 needs to relock
+ */
+ boot_ratio |= PLL1_LOCK;
+ }
+ if (work_mask&PLL1_DO_RNG)
+ pll_mask |= PLL1_RNG_MASK;
+ temp = (current_pll&~pll_mask)|(pll&pll_mask);
+ if (pll_mask)
+ set_PLL(temp);
+ /*
+ * Flag that a timer is pending
+ */
+ boot_ratio |= PLL_TIMER;
+ /*
+ * Schedule a timer to clear the PLL lock bits (and signal that
+ * it is ok to select the PLL)
+ */
+ /*
+ * Oh please, someone tell me I'm just to stupid to know how
+ * to pass this to the timer function!
+ */
+ hrtimers_got_no_freakin_callback_data = (work_mask&PLL_DO_SEL)?
+ (PLL_DO_SEL<<24)|(scaleLPJ?PLL_DO_LPJ:0)|(pll&
+ pll_timer.expires = ktime_set(0, 100000);
+ hrtimer_start(&pll_timer, pll_timer.expires, HRTIMER_MODE_REL);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ pll_time_stamp = get_cycles();
+ /*
+ * We might want to pass three pieces of data to the timer
+ * i) that we want to switch PLLs (PLL_DO_SEL)
+ * ii) which PLL to switch to (PLL_SEL_MASK)
+ * iii) flag to control whether loops_per_jiffy is updated
+ * (PLL_DO_LPJ)
+ */
+ pll_timer.data = (work_mask&PLL_DO_SEL)?(PLL_DO_SEL<<24)|(
+ scaleLPJ?PLL_DO_LPJ:0)|(pll&PLL_SEL_MASK):0;
+ /*
+ * Relock takes 100 us. See how many jiffies will take care of
+ * it.
+ */
+ pll_timer.expires = (100*HZ/1000000);
+ if (pll_timer.expires == 0)
+ pll_timer.expires = 1;
+ pll_timer.expires = jiffies+pll_timer.expires;
+ add_timer(&pll_timer);
+ pll_time_stamp = get_cycles();
+ } else if (work_mask&PLL_DO_SEL) {
+ pllif_i_switch_PLLs(pll|(scaleLPJ?PLL_DO_LPJ:0));
+ complete(&pllif_v_exit_completion);
+ }
+ clear_bit(PLL_LOCK_BIT, (unsigned long *)&boot_ratio);
+ return rval;
+ rval = -EBUSY;
+ goto checkPLLOut;
+ rval = -EINVAL;
+ complete(&pllif_v_exit_completion);
+ goto checkPLLOut;
+ * pllif_cFg_to_freq: - Takes a ratio and returns the frequency
+ * @cfg: The PLL ratio field value
+ *
+ * This takes a PLL ratio field value and uses it along with the bus frequency
+ * to compute the processor frequency.
+ */
+unsigned int pllif_cfg_to_freq(unsigned int cfg)
+ return (cfg < 21?cfg>>1:cfg-10)*pllif_v_bus_clock;
+ * pllif_get_bus_clock: - Returns the bus frequency
+ *
+ * This returns the determined bus frequency in Hz.
+ */
+unsigned int pllif_get_bus_clock()
+ return pllif_v_bus_clock;
+ * pllif_register_pll_switch_cb: - Registers a pll switch call back
+ * @nb: structure describing the call back to register
+ *
+ * This registers a call back function that will be called when the clock is
+ * switched from one PLL to the other.
+ */
+int pllif_register_pll_switch_cb(struct notifier_block *nb)
+int ret;
+ pllif_v_switch_call_data.data = (void *)nb->next;
+ nb->next = NULL;
+ pllif_v_switch_call_data.scalar = nb->priority;
+ nb->priority = 0;
+ ret = raw_notifier_chain_register(&pllif_v_pll_switch_chain, nb);
+ return ret;
+ * pllif_unregister_pll_switch_cb: - Cancels a previously registered call back
+ * @nb: structure describing the call back to cancel
+ *
+ * This cancels a previously registered switch call back
+ */
+void pllif_unregister_pll_switch_cb(struct notifier_block *nb)
+ raw_notifier_chain_unregister(&pllif_v_pll_switch_chain, nb);
+ * pllif_register_pll_lock_cb: - Registers a pll lock call back
+ * @nb: structure describing the call back to register
+ *
+ * This registers a call back function that will be called when a PLL has
+ * locked to a new frequency.
+ */
+int pllif_register_pll_lock_cb(struct notifier_block *nb)
+int ret;
+ pllif_v_lock_call_data.data = (void *)nb->next;
+ nb->next = NULL;
+ pllif_v_lock_call_data.scalar = nb->priority;
+ nb->priority = 0;
+ ret = raw_notifier_chain_register(&pllif_v_pll_lock_chain, nb);
+ return ret;
+ * pllif_unregister_pll_lock_cb: - Cancels a previously registered call back
+ * @nb: structure describing the call back to cancel
+ *
+ * This cancels a previously registered PLL lock call back
+ */
+void pllif_unregister_pll_lock_cb(struct notifier_block *nb)
+ raw_notifier_chain_unregister(&pllif_v_pll_lock_chain, nb);
+module_param(override_bus_clock, uint, 0644);
+ "Bus clock frequency in KHz used to compute core clock frequency from"
+ " bus ratios.");
Index: include/asm-powerpc/pll.h
--- /dev/null 2004-08-10 18:55:00.000000000 -0700
+++ include/asm-powerpc/pll.h 2008-08-23 02:05:14.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#ifndef __PLL_H
+#define __PLL_H
+ Dual PLL functions, for 750FX & 750GX
+ Copyright (C) 2005 by Kevin Diggs
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ Tue, June 14, 2005.
+ - First public release, contributed by Kevin Diggs.
+ ***********
+ ***********
+ Author: Kevin Diggs ()
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+ The layout of the PLL register (HID1) is:
+ 0 4|5 6|7|8| 9 11|12 13|14| 15 |16 20|21 22|23|24 28|29 30| 31
+ PCE |PRE|v|v| Res | Res |v | PS | PC0 | PR0 |v | PC1 | PR1 |Res
+ | | | |
+ PSTAT1 -| | | |
+ ECLK -----| | |
+ PI0 --------------------| |
+ Res ----------------------------------------|
+ PCE PLL0 read-only external config
+ PRE PLL0 read-only external range
+ PSTAT1 PLL status (0 -> PLL0, 1 -> PLL1)
+ ECLK 1 -> enable clkout pin
+ PI0 PLL0 control: 0 -> external
+ PS PLL select: 0 -> PLL0, 1 -> PLL1
+ PC0 PLL0 configuration
+ PR0 PLL0 range
+ PC1 PLL1 configuration
+ PR1 PLL1 range
+ PLL_CFG bus ratio PLL_CFG bus ratio
+ 00000 off 10000 8
+ 00001 off 10001 8.5
+ 00010 bypass 10010 9
+ 00011 bypass 10011 9.5
+ 00100 2 10100 10
+ 00101 2.5 10101 11
+ 00110 3 10110 12
+ 00111 3.5 10111 13
+ 01000 4 11000 14
+ 01001 4.5 11001 15
+ 01010 5 11010 16
+ 01011 5.5 11011 17
+ 01100 6 11100 18
+ 01101 6.5 11101 19
+ 01110 7 11110 20
+ 01111 7.5 11111 off
+ PLL_RNG range
+ 00 600 - 900
+ 01 900 - 1000
+ 10 500 - 600
+ */
+ * get_PLL: - return current value of PLL register (HID1)
+ *
+ * This returns the current value of the PLL configuration register (HID1).
+ */
+static inline volatile unsigned int get_PLL(void)
+unsigned int ret;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("mfspr %0,%1":
+ "=r"(ret):
+ "i"(SPRN_HID1)
+ );
+ return ret;
+ * get_active_PLL: - Returns the active PLL (0 or 1)
+ * @config: The PLL register value to return the active PLL from
+ *
+ * This returns the value of the PSTAT1 bit (bit 7, IBM numbering) , right
+ * justified, which indicates which of the PLLs is currently clocking the CPU.
+ */
+static inline unsigned int get_active_PLL(unsigned int config)
+unsigned int ret;
+ /*
+ * PSTAT1 to LSBit and mask
+ */
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rlwinm %0,%0,8,31,31":
+ "=r"(ret):
+ "0"(config)
+ );
+ return ret;
+ * get_next_PLL: - Returns the PLL that is to become active
+ * @config: The PLL register value to return the next PLL from
+ *
+ * This returns the value of the PS bit (bit 15, IBM numbering), right
+ * justified, which indicates which of the PLLs is going to be clocking the CPU.
+ */
+static inline unsigned int get_next_PLL(unsigned int config)
+unsigned int ret;
+ /*
+ * PS to LSBit and mask
+ */
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rlwinm %0,%0,16,31,31":
+ "=r"(ret):
+ "0"(config)
+ );
+ return ret;
+ * get_PLL_ratio: - Returns the selected PLL ratio
+ * @ratio: The ratio that is to be returned (0 or 1)
+ * @config: The PLL register value to return the next PLL from
+ *
+ * This returns the value of the selected PLL ratio field (PC0 for 0, PC1 for
+ * 1), right justified. It indicates the frequency of the selected PLL.
+ */
+static inline unsigned int get_PLL_ratio(unsigned int ratio, unsigned int
+ config)
+unsigned int ret;
+ /*
+ * Turn r3 (ratio) into a rotate count for the selected ratio.
+ * 0 -> 21, 1 -> 29
+ */
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "slwi %0,%0,3\n"
+ "addi %0,%0,21\n"
+ "rlwnm %0,%1,%0,27,31\n":
+ "=b"(ret):
+ "r"(config), "0"(ratio)
+ );
+ return ret;
+ * get_PLL_range: - Returns the selected PLL range
+ * @range: The range that is to be returned (0 or 1)
+ * @config: The PLL register value to return the next PLL from
+ *
+ * This returns the value of the selected PLL range field (PR0 for 0, PR1 for
+ * 1), right justified.
+ */
+static inline unsigned int get_PLL_range(unsigned int range, unsigned int
+ config)
+unsigned int ret;
+ /*
+ * Turn r3 (range) into a rotate count for the selected range.
+ * 0 -> 23, 1 -> 31
+ */
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "slwi %0,%0,3\n"
+ "addi %0,%0,23\n"
+ "rlwnm %0,%1,%0,30,31\n":
+ "=b"(ret):
+ "r"(config), "0"(range)
+ );
+ return ret;
+ * get_PLL: - sets a new value in the PLL register
+ * @config: The new value for the PLL register (HID1)
+ *
+ * This stores a new value in the PLL configuration register. It is possible to
+ * freeze the system by storing certain illegal values.
+ */
+static inline volatile void set_PLL(unsigned int config)
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("mtspr %1,%0":
+ :
+ "r"(config), "i"(SPRN_HID1)
+ );
Index: include/asm-powerpc/pll_if.h
--- /dev/null 2004-08-10 18:55:00.000000000 -0700
+++ include/asm-powerpc/pll_if.h 2008-08-23 02:04:19.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#ifndef __PLL_IF_H
+#define __PLL_IF_H
+ High Level wrapper functions for Dual PLL in 750FX & 750GX
+ Copyright (C) 2008 by Kevin Diggs
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ Fri, April 18, 2008.
+ - First public release, contributed by Kevin Diggs.
+ ***********
+ ***********
+ Author: Kevin Diggs ()
+ * Update the value of the PLL configuration register based on the crap passed
+ * in. The upper 8 bits (0 - 7) are read only and will be used as flags to con-
+ * trol what we are doing:
+ * 0x80 PLL0 configuration is valid
+ * 0x40 PLL0 range is valid
+ * 0x20 PLL1 configuration is valid
+ * 0x10 PLL1 range is valid
+ * 0x08 PLL select is valid
+ * 0x04 PLL0 control is valid
+ * 0x02 Update loops_per_jiffy value
+ *
+ * Make sure that sufficient time (100 us) is given for a PLL that is changed
+ * to relock before selecting it.
+ */
+#define PLL0_DO_CFG (0x80)
+#define PLL0_DO_RNG (0x40)
+#define PLL1_DO_CFG (0x20)
+#define PLL1_DO_RNG (0x10)
+#define PLL_DO_SEL (0x08)
+#define PLL0_DO_CONTROL (0x04)
+#define PLL_DO_LPJ (0x02)
+#define PLL0_CONTROL_MASK (0x20000)
+#define PLL_SEL_MASK (0x10000)
+#define PLL0_CFG_MASK (0x0f800)
+#define PLL0_CFG_SHIFT (11)
+#define PLL0_RNG_MASK (0x00600)
+#define PLL0_RNG_SHIFT (9)
+#define PLL1_CFG_MASK (0x000f8)
+#define PLL1_CFG_SHIFT (3)
+#define PLL1_RNG_MASK (0x00006)
+#define PLL1_RNG_SHIFT (1)
+#define PLL_LOCK (0x80000000) /* Code lock bit */
+#define PLL_LOCK_BIT (31)
+#define PLL_TIMER (0x40000000) /* Timer is scheduled */
+#define PLL_TIMER_BIT (30)
+#define PLL0_LOCK (0x20000000) /* PLL 0 locking */
+#define PLL0_LOCK_BIT (29)
+#define PLL1_LOCK (0x10000000) /* PLL 1 locking */
+#define PLL1_LOCK_BIT (28)
+#define pllifmPllSwitch (0x80000000)
+#define pllifmPllLock (0x40000000)
+extern int pllif_modify_PLL(unsigned int newPLL, int scaleLPJ);
+extern unsigned int pllif_get_bus_clock(void);
+extern unsigned int pllif_cfg_to_freq(unsigned int ratio);
+extern int pllif_register_pll_switch_cb(struct notifier_block *nb);
+extern void pllif_unregister_pll_switch_cb(struct notifier_block *nb);
+extern int pllif_register_pll_lock_cb(struct notifier_block *nb);
+extern void pllif_unregister_pll_lock_cb(struct notifier_block *nb);
+ * pllif_get_latency: - Return processor frequency switch latency
+ *
+ * This returns the latency that a processor frequency switch takes. It is in
+ * nano seconds. The value will depend on whether HRTIMERS are being used.
+ */
+static inline int pllif_get_latency(void)
+ return 100000;
+ return 1000000000/HZ;
+ * pllif_pack_state: - Returns the arguments packed together
+ * @cfg: The ratio that is to be used
+ * @rng: The range that is to be used
+ *
+ * This takes a ratio and range and packs them together in the right positions
+ * relative to each other for creating a new PLL value. The value is positioned
+ * correctly for PLL 1. To reposition for PLL 0 do a left shift of
+ */
+static inline unsigned int pllif_pack_state(unsigned int cfg, unsigned int
+ rng)
+ return (cfg<<PLL1_CFG_SHIFT)|(rng<<PLL1_RNG_SHIFT);
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