Query: is there an official location for jiffies per second value?

From: Grant Coady
Date: Thu Sep 18 2008 - 03:24:20 EST

Hi there,

I found I can get jiffies per second with this on one box:

grant@deltree:~$ uname -r

grant@deltree:~$ awk 'FNR==NR{up=$1};/^jiffies:/{print up, $2, $2/up}' \
/proc/uptime /proc/timer_list
420389.04 126026727 299.786

But this value is very different on another box:

grant@pooh64:~$ uname -r

grant@pooh64:~$ awk 'FNR==NR{up=$1}/^jiffies:/{print up, $2, $2/up}' \
/proc/uptime /proc/timer_list
73830.36 4317026409 58472.2
73830.36 4317026409 58472.2

Is there a reliable way to determine this jiffies value across different
x86 boxes?

The 'sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)' doesn't return the right answer either. It
says 100Hz when it is 300Hz.

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