Re: Reading EeePC900 battery info causes stalls (was Re: How how latent should non-preemptive scheduling be?)
From: Sitsofe Wheeler
Date: Sat Sep 20 2008 - 10:11:56 EST
Steven Rostedt wrote:
The wake up tracing is CONFIG_SCHED_TRACER. If you do not see
"wakeup" as one of the available tracers in available_tracers, then check
your dmesg and see if you have CONFIG_FTRACE_STARTUP_TEST enabled. There
was a known bug that would cause the wakeup tracing to fail the test. When
a trace fails the startup test, it is disabled.
This is exactly the case (dmesg reports the ftrace wakeup startup test
failed). That's what I get for not reading my dmesg more carefully...
Sitsofe |
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