Re: How how latent should non-preemptive scheduling be?
From: Steven Rostedt
Date: Mon Sep 22 2008 - 08:07:26 EST
On Mon, 22 Sep 2008, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> * Sitsofe Wheeler <sitsofe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> sounds like potential SMM triggered latencies.
> >
> > I have just gone away and read about the SMM (
> > ). If
> > you're right there is pretty much nothing that can be done about the
> > problem : (
> well, since they went away after you enabled CONFIG_PREEMPT=y, they are
> definitely in-kernel latencies, not any external SMM latencies.
> I.e. they are inherently fixable. Could you enable:
> that should make the traces a lot more verbose - every kernel function
> executed in the latency path will be logged. That way we'll be able to
> say which one takes that long.
> note, you might have to increase /debug/tracing/trace_entries to get a
> long enough trace to capture the relevant portion of the latency.
Also note, to modify trace_entries, you must be in the none (nop?) tracer,
otherwise the size will not be effected.
If you find the trace is also too big, you can echo a list of functions
to not trace those functions. using '>' will remove any existing function
in that file, but using '>>' will append functions to the file.
For a list of functions that you can add, see:
-- Steve
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