[ANNOUNCE] mdb: Merkey's Linux Kernel Debugger 2.6.27-rc7-2(09/23/08)

From: jmerkey
Date: Wed Sep 24 2008 - 01:22:28 EST

ChangeLog, 09/24/2008

* Fix compile problems with AMD series processors reported 9/23/08.

* Fix problems with genapic declarations in reboot.c (SMP case) when
supporting AMD ELAN processors

* Added AMD and AMD64 configurations to debugger test harness.

Thanks to the person who found these problems on AMD ELAN series
processors and for performing testing on AMD systems for me.


X86_64 test harness completed.
x86_64 support completed. Testing in process.
IA64 system received early (mid-September) from HP, in process.

MDB repositories


current mdb-2.6.27-rc7 patches

Jeffrey Vernon Merkey
Wolf Mountain Group, Inc.

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