framebuffer hangs in 2.6.26

From: Andrey Vul
Date: Tue Oct 07 2008 - 01:09:49 EST

On my amd64 system, the virtual console framebuffer hangs at random
times, usually after intensive I/O.
I believe that this is a regression because I was unable to reproduce
this bug in nor 2.6.24,
The version in question is 2.6.26-rt9.

1) Does anybody know which git commit destabilized the framebuffer?
2) Is there a way to fix this or is a fix planned for .28 ?

I can't fix this myself because I have too much homework to spend time
kernel hacking. Also, debugging might be cumbersome due to lack of (a)
serial port(s).

Andrey Vul

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