Re: How to disable authentication when using bluetooth on Linux?
From: pavan_savoy
Date: Tue Oct 07 2008 - 03:33:06 EST
Seems you are using BlueZ -3.37, look in the hcid.conf file in /etc/bluetooth, it should have a keyword "security", make the option to none.
[I assume its says "user" currently.]
----- Original Message -----
From: chen chong <byrbzdl@xxxxxxxxx>
To: linux-bluetooth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 12:25:18 +0530 (IST)
Subject: How to disable authentication when using bluetooth on Linux?
Hi, all
When pushing a file to bluetooth mobile phone from a Linux PC, how to
disable bluetooth authentication mechanism (in kernel or user level ?
), so that the phone won't prompt a window ask for PIN code?
I'm a freshman on bluez, now I'm trying to write an application on
Linux PC, to send files to mobile phones with OBEX. The PC has a USB
bluetooth stick to communication with the phone.
Now I have successfully sent a file to phone using the following commands:
1. "hcitool scan" and "sdptool browse"
2. "passkey-agent --default 1234" and "ussp-push --dev 0
BTADDR@CHANNEL desk.jpg desk.jpg"
but the phone ask for a PIN code at the start.
To get rid of this, I had tried to comment out
"start_security_manager()" in bluez-utils-3.7/hcid/main.c, and
recompile it, then restart the bluetooth service. But PIN code was
still prompted, and after if I input some characters, the command
"ussp-push --dev 0 --debug BTADDR@CHANNEL desk.jpg desk.jpg", failed
with the following error:
root@debian:~/bluetooth# pushing file desk.jpg
name=desk.jpg, size=24762
__obex_connect: client_context_t = 0x80540f0
Registered transport
Set user data
Created new objext
Local device 00:01:02:03:04:01
Remote device 00:01:02:03:04:05 (11)
Write error: Transport endpoint is not connected
obex_event: client_context_t = 0x80540f0
Link broken!
Started a new request
__obex_connect: error=-2
Unable to connect to the server
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