Re: [RFC] Kernel version numbering scheme change
From: Stefan Richter
Date: Tue Oct 21 2008 - 14:56:13 EST
Alex Howells wrote:
What I'd love to see any changes integrate would be a simple way to spot
-stable releases in the version number (ie: 2.6.16, 2.6.27, those
maintained for a "long" time and hopefully by quite 'bug
free') versus the rest of releases sent out on a more regular basis.
Side note: Long-term maintained kernels like Adrian's 2.6.16.y or
distro kernels of this sort -> are not 'quite bug free' <-. They are
only -> quite regression free <-.
If you want bug fixes, you generally want new kernels. Only a fraction
of the bug fixes in new kernels are backported to the long-term
maintained stable kernels. OTOH, also only a fraction of the
regressions in new kernels is backported to them.
Stefan Richter
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