Re: [patch] ACPI toshiba: only register rfkill if bt is enabled
From: Frans Pop
Date: Wed Oct 29 2008 - 09:11:35 EST
Frederik Deweerdt wrote:
> It looks like a part of the rfkill initialization was done whenever
> BT was on or not. The following patch checks for BT presence before
> registering the rfkill to the input layer. Does it solve the problem for
> you?
> Regards,
> Frederik
> Register toshiba RFKill Switch only if bluetooth is enabled
> Part of the rfkill initialization was done whenever BT was on or not.
> The following patch checks for BT presence before registering the rfkill
> to the input layer. Some minor cleanups (> 80 char lines) were also
> added in the process.
I just saw the same issue on my Toshiba Satellite A40 with Atheros pcmcia
card. The patch solves the kernel BUG for me when applied on top of
current git.
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