Re: [RFC] API for system clocks (oscillators)
From: Jon Smirl
Date: Thu Oct 30 2008 - 12:39:57 EST
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:27 PM, Jonas Bonn <jonas.bonn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> How does this compare to the framework in linux/include/linux/clk.h?
> clk.h is pretty much just an infrastructure for "storing" clock data
> and accessors... it does not provide:
> i) Constraints on selectable frequencies of active devices
> ii) Notifiers on frequency change, including changes due to events
> such as reparenting
> These are the big ones that cause headaches. When I want to switch
> frequency, I have to check elsewhere which devices are active and
> which frequencies they allow. When a frequency changes, I have to
> manually make sure that the active devices are notified properly of
> the change. These are the main things that my document tries to
> consolidate into one framework. Like I said, I'm not sure it's the
> right approach, that's why I requested feedback...
You could probably work those features into the existing clk framework.
clk_set_rate() could compute the constrains and return an error.
The API could be expanded with notifier support.
Jon Smirl
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