Re: USB reset/IO Error problem when high load on ICH9 USB

From: Kasper Sandberg
Date: Sat Nov 01 2008 - 07:07:31 EST

On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 19:03 -0600, Robert Hancock wrote:
> Kasper Sandberg wrote:
> > Hello..
> >
> > I had to write an image to some usb flash drives, more specifically, 4GB
> > kingston datatraveler sticks, and i figured, instead of doing just 1 at
> > a time, i may aswell do 4, so i plugged in 4, and started 4 dd's of the
> > images, to sdc, sdd, sde, sdf. However, i got usb disconnects and IO
> > error messages from the kernel, these are at end of message. I had
> > previously done ~5 writes of images to 5 other flash disks with no
> > problem, but when i tried the next batch, those 4, it gave these errors.
> > I killed the dd's, pulled them all out, and put in 1 at a time, and it
> > worked perfectly.
> >
> > unfortunately the first kernel messages have been flooded away. If you
> > need .config and/or the boot kernel messages, i can reboot and get it.
> It seems suspicious that only the sde one (with address 6) seems to be
> having problems. Are you sure that drive wasn't faulty or somehow not
> plugged in properly?

I am absolutely positive it was plugged in properly, and i am also sure
the usb port isnt broken, i have tested all of them, though, this is
first time i have had so many in use concurrently, maybe its a power
issue? (which would be weird though, as flash devices shouldnt be using
so much power)

as for faulty, i did use that exact drive again, when i reverted back to
doing one by one.

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