Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] radeonfb lockup in .28-rc (bisected)

From: Benjamin Herrenschmidt
Date: Mon Nov 03 2008 - 15:24:00 EST

On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 10:33 -0500, James Cloos wrote:
> >>>>> "Benjamin" == Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> >> is in play. It is probably spinning through all of the 2000000 possible
> >> udelay(10) calls. I don't think I ever gave it twenty seconds before
> >> giving up. And certainly not forty seconds, if the freeze happens after
> >> setting the DST_Y_X register.
> Benjamin> Well, setting DST_Y_X is what triggers the transfer. The above
> Benjamin> means that the FIFO isn't emptying (ie, the engine is locked up).
> I gave it another try over the weekend and let it sit for five minutes.
> The reset message never appeared.

Because it's probably going to lockup trying to display it :-) I need to
make that stuff a bit more robust, by disabling acceleration if the
engine locks up for example.

> Again, that is fine by me. Otherwise I'll just leave the #if0 commit
> in my compile clone.

Allright, we'll see what I come up with, and at worst, I'll just revert
the whole thing.


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