Re: [PATCH] 8250: Eliminate compile warning of 8250.c
From: Sheng Yang
Date: Tue Nov 25 2008 - 06:32:21 EST
On Tuesday 25 November 2008 19:13:42 Alan Cox wrote:
> > The logic here is strange...
> Why
> > If you used old compiler, you would get a warning, and you thought that's
> > ensured we won't delete a intended assignment by mistake.
> No.. if you hid the warning by hacking around the compiler mistake with
> extra bogus assignments you would hide a future mistake.
OK, I got it now.
Comparing the result of deleting a meaningful line, this modification result in
no more warning. And you also think one additional BUG_ON just for fixing
compiler's mistake, so it's unacceptable.
So leave the patch as it was. Seems many people need to upgrade compiler to
avoid this thing. :)
Yang, Sheng
> > If you used new compiler, you wouldn't get a warning, and you think this
> > time the compiler get it right.
> The compiler does now get it right - I checked.
> Alan
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