Re: Linux 2.6.28-rc7
From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Tue Dec 02 2008 - 15:41:08 EST
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Alejandro Riveira FernÃndez wrote:
> Well i already sent the result of the revert on another mail;
> it did not help :(
Ahh. Oh, well.
> I tried again with what i thought was my "good" commit and the
> bug is there too :/
> could it be that something changed in userspace[1] between the
> day i installed the 2.6.28-rc6-00007-ged31348 and today that
> make this bug trigger?
Sure, that's possible. It happens occasionally with updated user-land
binaries, especially system-related ones (eg something like X or SElinux
or whatever).
Or perhaps a configuration change meant that if you recompiled the "good"
kernel, you now recompiled a different config? Or did you re-use the exact
same kernel image you had originally?
> Next step is try to find an "actually good" kernel and bisect
> again sigh... seems to work ok
Ok, that's a much bigger bisection thing, but again, even just narrowing
it down a bit will help. But check the configuration too before you start.
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