- If the boot loader ID is E, the current pad1 field at 0x226 is repurposed as an extended loader ID. The reason to use the pad1 field is that it is present in all headers since version 2.02. The boot loader ID will simply be: ((extended ID + 0x10) << 4) + (version), where (version) as before is (type_of_loader & 15). This is the value which will be reported in /proc/sys/kernel/bootloader_type.
The biggest question is probably: is there a need/desire for an extended version field, or is four bits enough for existing bootloader needs?
i think it's prudent to add an extension mechanism, regardless of demand. Existing bootloader projects will be content with the IDs they already have so they are unlikely to request new ones. Future bootloader projects cannot request it because they dont exist yet. So there's no-one to talk up.