Re: 2.6.29 final

From: Gene Heskett
Date: Fri Mar 27 2009 - 13:46:23 EST

As of now I'm back to, I simply cannot keep my ethernet hdwe working
for more than about 24 hours with .29 final.

Please, we need a 29.1 that fixes this.

Other problems encountered with 29 final:

qjackd went into a loop eating all 4 core at about 50%, restarting it fixed
knotify grabbed 100% of core0 at the same time the network died _I think_

when I tried to do a graceful shut down after restarting knotify, x eventually
quit, but hung onto the console, I couldn't select another as it just echoed
the keys I pressed to the terminal screen and I was force to use the front
panel rest button to effect a reboot. Which was good because I rebooted to and is now building in the background, with its usual 5
warnings about section mis-matches.

Thanks everybody.

Cheers, Gene
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