Re: blktrace: event traces displayed wrong while ftrace blktraceis active
From: Theodore Tso
Date: Tue Apr 14 2009 - 17:32:26 EST
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:25:33PM +0200, Frederic Weisbecker wrote:
> Indeed. Note that you can overwrite this default by typing:
> echo context-info > trace_option
> after setting bkltrace as the current tracer.
The problem with doing that is that blktrace will then display this:
fsync-tester-27934 [001] 208.031278: fsync-tester-27934 [001] 208.031278: 254,4 Q WS 268392 + 8 [fsync-tester]
I think the real problem is that blk trace is displaying the standard
context-info, so it's suppressing the normal context info. So I have
the choice on having no context information on my event trace lines,
or two copies of the context information for the block trace lines.
I'm guessing things were done this way in order to support the old
legancy blktrace format?
- Ted
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