Re: [PATCH 0/4] workqueue_tracepoint: Add worklet tracepoints for worklet lifecycle tracing
From: Frank Ch. Eigler
Date: Tue Apr 28 2009 - 16:53:21 EST
Hi, Andrew -
On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 11:48:27AM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:
> [...]
> > To be fair, if you ask for someone to specify and quantify the
> > "benefits" side of this, shouldn't someone specify and quantify the
> > "cost" side of this too?
> [...]
> > That way we would have something to compare.
> Well, there are two aspects to this. There's the immediate up-front
> cost - a little added complexity, more code, etc.
Yes, a little.
> But there's also the where-the-hell-is-this-all-going question. Are we
> going to end up with hundreds or thousands of tracepoints sprinkled all
> over core kernel? If so, what use are they? What userspace tools will
> be used to pull them into something useful? Who will be developing
> those tools and are they involved in the development of the
> tracepoints?
(Well, that's back to the "benefits" side, isn't it?)
> Will this proliferation of static tracepoints actively kill off the
> development and maturation of dynamic tracepoints? If so, is that
> good?
I hope not, but I believe the consensus has been that both dynamic and
static instrumentation are necessary & useful.
> From where I sit it looks like a mad scramble to sprinkle fairly
> random tracepoints all over the place under the assumption that
> this-may-be-useful-to-someone-one-day. But of course, that means
> that they many never be useful to anyone ever. [...]
You may not be giving enough credit to the subsystem developers. If
they opine that those tracepoints may accomplish (or have already
accomplished) something forseeably useful, at a reasonably "little"
cost, should it not require a large burden of proof to overcome their
- FChE
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