Linux and LLVM

From: Grozdan
Date: Fri May 08 2009 - 15:28:45 EST


First, I'd like to say that I'm not interested in any holy wars,
trolling, ego-boosters, or whatever, and basically want to ask a
simple question and get the views of the Linux developers on it, at
least from those who are interested in answering it or have time to do
so as I know that most kernel devs are very busy :)

Recently, FreeBSD has reported that it's slowly switching from GCC to
LLVM/CLANG for compilers. What are the thoughts of the Linux kernel
devs about this and do they things that it's a good idea to go in the
same direction as FreeBSD (switching over to LLVM)?

Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to this specific mailing list

Thanks :)
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