Re: [BUG FIX] Make x86_32 uni-processor Atomic ops, Atomic
From: Michael S. Zick
Date: Sun May 24 2009 - 08:48:43 EST
On Sun May 24 2009, Harald Welte wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 05:44:52AM -0500, Michael S. Zick wrote:
> > *) The HP-2133 MiniNote uses the cn896 chipset, which
> > has not yet been released from NDA.
> I can see towards getting that changed, but I doubt this helps us with the
> current problem.
> > I do not have the C7-M technical reference, it is still
> > under NDA.
> I obviously have access to that documentation (which is also on its way
> to become public, but needs more time) - but believe me, there is nothing
> in that documentation that would help you to debug this problem :(
> > *But* if a developer on this list has a copy of the
> > manual *and* owns one of these three brands of machine -
> > they would have fixed their own machine a year ago.
> I actually own a 2133 mininote, but I rarely used it for anything but to test
> openchrome on it. What do you suggest me to try?
The HP-2133 (C7-M/CN896) did not fail yesterday.
Find a C7-M/CX700 machine.
You might hook the rss feed at:
where my rants/raves/speculations are logged and
the other people helping me test make their comments.
In particular:
The original instructions (including download url):
Updated installation instructions:
Also ignore anything you read in LKML that I have been doing
this in secret - those authors just never got the memo. ;)
> I also have some other systems with a C7-M, so I can certainly verify
> certain code on a number of them, if a good testcase exists.
Still working towards a specific test case - only thing at this
point it the sledge hammer of putting the "lock" back in, everywhere.
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