Re: Security fix for remapping of page 0 (was [PATCH] ChangeZERO_SIZE_PTR to point at unmapped space)
From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Wed Jun 03 2009 - 14:13:42 EST
On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Larry H. wrote:
> Are you saying that a kernel exploit can't be leveraged by means of
> runtime code injection for example?
No. I'm sayng that sane people don't get hung up about every little
Why are security people always so damn black-and-white? In most other
areas, such people are called "crazy" or "stupid", but the security people
seem to call them "normal".
The fact, the NULL pointer attack is neither easy nor common. It's
perfectly reasonable to say "we'll allow mmap at virtual address zero".
Disallowing NULL pointer mmap's is one small tool in your toolchest, and
not at all all-consumingly important or fundamental. It's just one more
Get over it. Don't expect everybody to be as extremist as you apparently
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