2.6.28-gentoo-r5-default: apic_timer_interrupt crash?
From: Martin MOKREJÅ
Date: Fri Jun 19 2009 - 12:44:23 EST
I am not sure if my report is of any value but I had a kernel crash on
one of our cluster nodes. I only have a remote console snapshot of the last
screen and unfortunately the stack trace did not fit. Even worse it has a
Gentoo linux patched kernel and not vanilla. The machine does not react to
alt+sysrq+b commands so I will have to touch the power button. Nevertheless
I am interested to know whether anybody can make any sense out the partial
stack trace. Myself do not even know whether I am supposed to read it from top
or from bottom. ;-) The node has no graphics card. I could provide .config
if somebody wants it. Thank you for any answer,
Please Cc: me directly.