From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Mon Jul 06 2009 - 14:56:01 EST
On Monday 2009-07-06 15:05, tridge@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > With this extra patch:
> >
> > * "cp dscf4160.jpg dscf3010.jpg" works
> > * "cp dscf4160.jpg dscF3011.jpg" does not work - i.e. cam ignores the
> > file without error.
> > Reason for that is that dscF3011 has an illegal 8.3 name
>It is probably not unreasonable to say that you should not be using
>mixed case names when you are putting files onto a device that doesn't
>understand mixed case. The reason it worked before my patch is that
>the kernel forced the case of the 8.3 name, and only retained the
>mixed case for the long name.
>How did things go with your mp3 players?
Not too different from previously[1].
Entirely-lowercase fits-8-3-names work as usual, but of course are
displayed with an uppercase filename in the OSD (technically
correct, but still ick!).
Whenever a long name is created and an 8.3 name is omitted (or rather,
an invalid one is generated), files are displayed in the browser but
fail to enqueue/play.
As it stands, my two devices always want a valid 8.3 name. That in
stark conflict to your patch. And I am not going to do without long
Random statistic of the day about audio file's name length,
as output by R:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
6.00 18.00 25.00 26.62 33.00 77.00
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