Re: HTC: touchscreen driver
From: Arve Hjønnevåg
Date: Mon Jul 27 2009 - 19:38:31 EST
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Pavel Machek<pavel@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi!
>> >> git fetch git://
>> >> android-msm-2.6.30-rc2-test
>> >> git cherry-pick 9f89902daf7a3c6fdd6b0c7494f3cc82d5e09217
>> >
>> > So I spent 10 minutes downloading patch you could have inlined... only
>> > to find out that review already pointed nosync issue (and I fixed swap
>> > independetly)...
>> Sorry, I thought it was clear what it contained.
> Well, I guess I lost that in the mailflood.
>> I'm a little confused why you did not already have this though. This
>> is the same branch I pushed specifically so you could get at it a
>> month ago, and you said you got it booting back then.
> I already got the tree (thanks!) but I did not know that I had it, so
> I ended up downloading another copy...
> BTW... would you have 2.6.31-rcX (or linux-next?) working on dream by chance?
No, I have not looked at 31 yet. I did push most of our changes to the
touchscreen driver, including a stab at the official multi-touch
protocol, to the android-2.6.29 branch in the public
git:// repository though.
>> >> That way you will hopefully not add question marks to my name.
>> >
>> > ...and I still don't know what your name is. My terminal displays "Arve
>> > Hj#???nev##g <arve@xxxxxxxxxxx>" :-(.
>> That does not look right. It displays correctly for me in the mailing
>> list archives:
>> gitk also works for me. git log only works if you are using a utf8
>> terminal (or have set the character set in your gitconfig).
> Apparently my terminals don't speak utf8. (Which is no wonder, I had
> to fall back to xterm when gnome-terminal stopped working). Web
> browser displays your name correctly, so I now know what it is, and I
> can even paste it (Arve HjÅnnevÄg). I wonder if it gets through the
> mail system undamaged. (If not, is there acceptable transcription of
It did not.
> your name to us/ascii?)
Acceptable, no, but I use "Arve Hjonnevag" for systems that only
support us-ascii.
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂPavel
> --
> (english)
> (cesky, pictures)
Arve HjÃnnevÃg
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